F E A T H E R of H O P E

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"I'm going in alone."

"Uh, are you sure that's such a good idea?" Suigetsu raised a skeptical brow at the determined Uchiha, coming to a halt right at the edge of the tree line.

After Karin's oh-so-superior senses came up empty and she gave us the all clear, our group began running once more. It only took another ten minutes to reach the supposed Akatsuki hideout, and Sasuke quickly signaled for us to stop as a clearing with a cave entrance came into view ahead.

"Yeah Sasuke, it could be too dangerous!"

I crossed my arms over my chest as I came to a stop next to Suigetsu, scoffing at Karin's forever desperate voice.

"If Itachi is in there, then I want to face him by mysel--"

"Yeah, we get it," Suigetsu interrupted with a wave of his hand. "But what are the odds that he'll even be at the first place we search?"

"He's right," Jugo added with a worried face, stepping into view between us and Karin. "You might want to do this on your own, but you asked for a team for a reason. We're all right here. Let us help you."

It was almost touching how Jugo seemed to be greatly concerned for his wellbeing. I probably would have been impressed if I wasn't aware of his sudden and sometimes deadly mood swings.

Sasuke sucked in a breath.

"I know that there is a possibility that he won't be in there, but, there's also a chance that he could be. I'll go in and check it out, and if I need help I'll give you the signal," he turned and gave us each a meaningful glare. "Do not follow me unless I tell you to, understand?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I could just barely make out Karin cowering slightly under his gaze.

"Don't worry," I replied indifferently when it was my turn to receive his stare. "Go get your revenge or whatever."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at me slowly, obviously not appreciating my attitude, before he turned and stepped out into the clearing, heading in the direction of the entrance. A light laugh escaped my lips as he retreated, causing me to realize something.

I was no longer intimated by Sasuke Uchiha.

Huh, what a liberating feeling.

Suigetsu spun towards me at the sound of my laugh and gave me a curious look. I blinked at him.


"Nothing," he smirked. "I promised that I wouldn't ask, remember?"

I nodded with a smile, glad that he was playing along.

"Exactly," I replied.

"What are you two going on about?" Karin asked, taking a few steps toward us and readjusting her glasses.

Suigetsu and I exchanged a look. His eyes seemed to be asking what we should do about her. I just shrugged before turning to the Uzumaki.

"We were just talking about how boring this has turned out to be."

"Yeah," Suigetsu added, following my lead. "I really wanted to slice something." To punctuate his statement he reached behind him, gripping his giant sword in hand before swinging it forward. The motion barely missed Karin and caused her to grit her teeth together in anger as she balled her fist and raised it in front of her face.

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