Chapter 2

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It was cold. Aurora and I were walking in the woods. "Aurora look. A deer" we approached it slowly

"That's it. There you go" Aurora fed the deer as I pet it. We carried on walking only stopping when the wall of thorns was in front of us. I heard a howl and growls from some beast.

"Aurora I think we should go back home now"

"Just a little longer" then suddenly it all went black. I could feel my body floating in the air. It must be a dream. I always dream about flying so it must be a dream. I awoke from my dream to find myself laying next to Aurora. She too had fallen asleep but was now waking from her own dream. I looked around. It was beautiful. Enchanting. I'd never seen anything so beautiful in my life. Something approached us. They radiated a blue light, they danced around us happily. We smiled. "Wow" Aurora and I placed our hands in the air and two of the creatures held onto our fingers. Suddenly they gasped and flew off scared. Aurora and I turned feeling someone else's presence.

"We know you're there" Aurora spoke first.

"Don't be afraid" I continued. We heard chuckling.

"I am not afraid" a female voice spoke.

"Then come out"

"Then you'll both be afraid"

"No, we won't" the woman stepped out of the shadows. She was beautiful. She had long horns, beautiful red lips and her green eyes were stunning. But seeing her felt like a dream. She looked all too familiar to me but from where I couldn't quite place it.

"I know who you are" I said.

"Do you?" She asked. Aurora nodded.

"You're our Fairy Godmother" Aurora spoke smiling.

"What?" She asked.

"Fairy Godmother. You've been watching over us our whole lives. I've always known you were close by" Aurora informed her.

"How?" She asked approaching us slowly.

"Your shadow. It's been following us ever since we were small. Wherever we went, your shadow was always with us" I answered as she approached us slowly. The crow Aurora and I had played with perched itself on a branch next to us. "I know you" the crow cawed. "Pretty bird" I called the crow by the nickname Aurora and I had given him. He cawes again.

"This is Diaval" Diaval bowed spreading his wings while doing so. The woman turned Diaval into a man. A very handsome man.

"Hello, Aurora, Celestia. I've know you both since you were both little ones" Diaval kissed Aurora's hand then placed a gentle kiss on mine. My heart jumped.

"It's everything I imagined it would be. Oh, it's just so beautiful! We've always wanted to come..." Aurora jumped around and walked towards the woman but then she put Aurora to sleep. Diaval looked to me and then back to the woman. I smiled and nodded for the woman to do the same to me. And she did. I awoke the next morning in my bed. I thought of last night. I thought the beautiful woman. I thought about how beautiful the Moors looked. But most of all, I could not stop thinking about Diaval.

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