Chapter 5

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Diaval's P.O.V.:

I grabbed the boy and started dragging him behind me. "They pulled the guards. He's waiting for you in there. If we go inside those walls, we'll never come out alive"

"Then don't come. It's not your fight"

"Huh. Thank you very much" I said. Unbelievable. ""I need you, Diaval. I can't do this without you, Diaval""

"I can hear you"

"Good. Cause I'm going to prove to you that true love's kiss truly does exist"

"How are you going to do that? By kissing Celestia? By all means. I know how much you care for her. And her you"

"She does?"

"Your so blind" she spoke walking in front of me. We snuck around the castle. At least we tried to until we saw the iron spikes.

"Mistress" I spoke worried. We walked through the spikes. She accidentally touched one and gasped. Once out of the spike trap we came across a guard. I let the boy's body float up to distract him and Maleficent knocked him out.

"Hmm" she said impressed and I was too. I grabbed the boy again and we carried on our journey to Celestia and Aurora. Once outside the room Maleficent released her hold on the boy and he fell to the ground, groaning as he hit the floor. The door opened.

"Pardon me. I'm embarrassed to say I don't know where I am"

"In King Stefan's castle"

"This is where I'm meant to be. Odd that I can't recall how I got here"

"Why have you come?"

"My father sent me to see the King"

"Who is your father?"

"King John of Ulstead"

"A prince!" The three little fairies dragged the boy into the room towards Aurora's and Celestia's bed.


"He knows her"

"Why is she sleeping?"

"She's trapped in an enchantment"

"Isn't she beautiful?"

"The most beautiful girl I've ever seen" I wanted to scoff. Celestia was the most beautiful girl.

"Do you want to kiss her?"

"Very much"

"Go on, then"

"I wouldn't feel right about it. I barely know her. We've only met once"

"Haven't you ever heard of love at first sight? Kiss her! Go on"

"An enchantment, you say?"

"Oh. Kiss her!" The three fairies said furiously. The boy leaned in and kissed Aurora. She didn't wake.

"You didn't do it properly!"

"It's supposed to be true love's kiss! I was certain he was the one"

"What are you doing?" The boy asked confused.

"We have to keep looking" they left closing the door behind them.

"I told you" Maleficent spoke. She walked out from our hiding spot and I followed going to Celestia. Celestia please wake up. I held her hand, leaning in and kissing her lips softly. I backed away and her eyes fluttered open slowly.

"Pretty Bird" she smiled softly and I smiled back. I looked to Maleficent who was happy but Aurora was still asleep so her smile faded to a grim look. Celestia looked to her sister and saw her asleep. "Aurora?" She looked to me and I shook my head. She wrapped her arms around me and began to cry.

"I will not ask your forgiveness because what I have done to you is unforgivable. I was so lost in hatred and revenge. Sweet Aurora, you and your sister stole what was left of my heart. And now I have lost you forever. I swear, no harm will come to you as long as I live. And not a day shall pass that I don't miss your smile" she lightly kissed Aurora's forehead.

"Hello, Godmother"

"Hello, beasty"

"No truer love" I whispered as we watched Maleficent and Aurora's beautiful hellos. Aurora and Celestia both stood up.

"Let's leave this place" Celestia spoke, grabbing hold of my hand. We walked down the dark corridors of the castle. I turned into my crow form.

Celestia's P.O.V.:

"Are we going back to the Moors now?" Aurora asked Maleficent.

"If that is what you both wish" we both nodded smiling. We walked in following behind Maleficent. Then a chain fell from the ceiling landing on top of Maleficent. She began to scream from pain. Men ran in shouting "we've got her!" Aurora and I tried to set her free but the guards pulled us away.


"Get back!" Two guards were holding us back. Diaval attacking the one who was being to forceful with me. The guard tried to hit at Diaval.

"No!" I screamed at the guard.

"Into a dragon" I heard Maleficent say and then Diaval was no longer a crow. He was a dragon. A very big black dragon who could spit fire. The guard that was holding me running away. Diaval placed one of his wings over me to protect me. He threw the steel net off of Maleficent and backed away slowly still trying to protect me, spitting fire at the guards who were getting close to us. A guard managed to grab me and dragged me away from Diaval.

"Diaval!" I screamed for his help. When he turned he knocked his long tail into the wall making bits of it fall almost crushing Aurora. She screamed.

"Run, Aurora!" I heard Maleficent order. The guard still had me in his grasp and Diaval was spitting more fire than before. The guard hardened his grip on me and I screamed."Celestia!" Maleficent shouted. Everything was on fire. They began throwing chains on Diaval.

"Diaval! No! Stop it!" I tried to order the men but they wouldn't listen to me. They surrounded Maleficent by placing her in a circle where all the men had steel shields. Diaval was soon knocked off his feet. "No. Diaval!" I tried to reach for him but the guard was too strong. Then I heard heavy foot steps. A man was in steel armour, he entered the circle of steel shields and attacked Maleficent. "No!" The man took of the helmet only to be revealed as my father. They banged their shields against the floor. "Father! No!" He didn't listen.

"Enough!" He silenced the men. "How does it feel, hmm? To be a fairy creature without wings in a world where you don't belong?" He wrapped a chain around her throwing her to the steps. She began to stand up scared. My father was about to stab her when a bright light blinded us. She had wings again. And they were beautiful. "Kill her!" My father ordered. She flew towards a chandelier and cut it from the ceiling letting it drop near the soldiers holding Diaval down. He was set free. Spitting fire at all the guards close to him. They began to throw spears at her. My father tangled his chain around her ankle. The guards tried to shoot arrows and spears at her. But she was strong. She knocked my father of his feet and dragged him across the floor, smashing threw the window. The guard finally let me go and I ran to Diaval's side.

"Enough!" I screamed and the men stopped. "The King is dead!" They all looked at each other and began to drop their weapons. Diaval stopped spitting fire. Aurora came running in. "Princess Aurora is your Queen now. Long live the Queen!"

"Long live the Queen!" The men chanted bending the knee to my sister. I looked at Diaval and I knew everything was going to be alright.

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