Chapter 3

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I sat next to Aurora watching the fairies dance above the water.

"They're so beautiful" Aurora complimented them. We then went on and found these other creatures called wallerbogs, one of them started to give flowers to Aurora shyly when another one of the little creatures threw mud at them both. The wallerbogs started to laugh. Aurora picked up some mud and threw it at the one who'd thrown first. Aurora laughed. I sat next to Diaval smiling happily. Diaval chuckled at the scene. Then one of the wallerbogs accidentally threw mud at our Fairy Godmother. Diaval began to laugh hysterically. Fairy Godmother used her magic to send mud at Diaval. That's when I began to laugh hysterically while everyone else just laughed out of glee. Diaval took some of the mud from his face and smeared it all over mine. I gasped. He cracked a toothy grin and I couldn't help but smile back at him.

The next night all the little fairies and other creatures approached us. We saw our Fairy Godmother and walked up to her.

"Do all the Fair people have wings?" Aurora asked.

"Most do" she answered.

"Then why don't you? All the other fairies fly"

"I had wings once. They were stolen from me. That's all I wish to say about it"

"What colour were they? Were they big?" Aurora continued asking.

"So big they dragged behind me when I walked. And they were strong. They could carry me above the clouds and into the headwinds. And they never faltered, not even once. I could trust them" Aurora and I placed a hand on our Fairy Godmother to comfort her. She walked away and we stood there while she did.

We went back to the Moors in the morning. I sat next to our Fairy Godmother making a crown of flowers for myself. Aurora was petting a creature and it began to purr.

"Aurora? Come here" Fairy Godmother ordered. "Sit. There's something I need to tell you both"

"What is it?" I asked worried.

"There is an evil in this world, and I can not keep you both from it"

"I'm almost 16, Godmother. I can take care of myself"

"I understand. But that's not what I have to tell you"

"I have a plan" Aurora interrupted. "When I'm older, we're going to live here in the Moors with you" I nodded agreeing. "Then we can look after each other"

"You don't have to wait until you're older. You could live here now"

"Then we will" I said jumping up.

"I'll sleep in a tree and eat berries and black nuts and all the Fair People will be our friends. We'll be happy here for the rest of our lives"

"We'll tell our aunties tomorrow"

"Until tomorrow"

"Oh, I'm so excited!" Aurora ran off laughing and I followed.

The next day Aurora was practicing for what was to be said to our aunties.

"Aunties, I'm almost 16. We need a life of our own"

"No. We love you very much, but it's time to say goodbye. You've been very good to us, except the time you accidentally fed us spiders" suddenly someone appeared from behind us. Aurora gasped and jumped and I placed myself infront of her. It was a boy. Probably around Aurora's age.

"Hello" he greeted. "I'm sorry to bother you both, but I'm on my way to King Stefan's castle and I've become hopelessly lost. Can you help me?" He was approaching us. I fell on top of Aurora. "Oh, I'm sorry. That was my fault. I rushed in too..." The boy helped Aurora up as I had rolled away from the both when I fell. They held hands while staring into each other's eyes. Love at first sight. They quickly let go of each other's hands. "Forgive me" I sat on the ground not caring for how I looked now.

"It's that way" I pointed out. "The castle"

"What's your name?" Aurora asked.

"It's Philip"

"Hello, Philip" Aurora bowed.

"What's yours?"


"I'm Celestia"

"Hello, Aurora, Celestia" I felt awkward sitting here watching this but they clearly had something brewing between them. Whether it was love at first sight or probably because Aurora and I didn't see boys our age very often. "Well, it was nice meeting you both. And once again, my apologies for being such a clumsy fool"

"You're forgiven"

"That's good. I'd best be off, then. Goodbye" Aurora followed the boy and I just stayed where I was sat.

Diaval's P.O.V.:

I started to fly around Maleficent.

"Stop doing that" She changed me into a human.

"Well? That boy's the answer" Maleficent started to laugh.

"No, Diaval"

"Yes! True love's kiss, remember? It can break the spell"

"True love's kiss? Have you not worked it out yet?" I looked at her confused. "I cursed them that way because there is no such thing"

"Well, that might be how you feel, but what about Aurora? And Celestia? That boy could be Aurora's only chance. It's their fate, anyway" Maleficent moved her hand as to turn me back. "Go ahead. Turn me into whatever you want. A bird, a worm. I don't care anymore" I walked away finding Celestia on her own. She was absolutely beautiful. I knew I had feelings for her. I knew I loved her. That's probably why I'm angry with Maleficent for saying that true love's kiss doesn't really exist. I knew it did. From the moment I kissed her hand the first time we were properly acquainted I knew that true love existed. I knew because from a simple touch she made my whole world revolve around her. I cared for Aurora like a brother would a sister but I was in love with Celestia. But I didn't know if she felt the same way as I. I walked up to her sitting down next to her.

"Morning Pretty Bird" she greeted smiling widely.

"Morning Celestia. Also could you please not call me that"

"What? Pretty Bird?"



"Well... I, uh..." She began to laugh at how awkward I looked. Her laughter died down. She stared at the water intensely.

"What's it like?"

"What's what like?"

"Flying. What's it like?" I smiled.

"It's different from walking I suppose. Still as tiresome"

"That's helpful" she laughed.

"Flying is like falling only falling has a destination" she smiled.

"I wish I could fly"


"To be able to travel the world. To be able to see everything beautiful in this life"

"On your own?"

"No silly. I'd like company"

"So you'd take Aurora"

"No. Aurora belongs in the Moors. I'd want you as my company"

"Me?" She nodded.

"Your company is always my favourite"

"Thank you" I thanked looking her in the eyes. I began to lean in as did she.

"Celestia!" I heard Aurora call. As if broken from a trance she shook her head and stood up.

"I should be going now. I'll see you later" I nodded.

"Goodbye" I whispered.

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