Chapter Nine: The Attempted Kiss

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I italicized the lines they say in the play. They're not mine. Copyright goes to the creators of Miss Saigon.


Final Cast for our school’s production of Miss Saigon


Kim                 … … …   Wendy Mendez

The Engineer … … …   Simon Wilson

Chris              … … …   Howard Pattinson

John              … … …   Randy Hernandez

Ellen             … … …   Erin Maxwell

Thuy            … … …   Theodore Olsen

Gigi              … … …   Caroline Dean

Tam             … … …   Carl Parker


“I got the part!” Howard screamed at the top of his lungs.

“Congratulations!” Charlotte yelled and hugged him tightly.

“Erin, what’s wrong?” Jennifer asked as I continued looking at the list incredulously.

“Shut up you two,” Hugh snapped at Howard and Charlotte as they continued shouting. The two of them quieted down when they saw my expression. “Can’t you see Erin’s having a moment here?”

“I didn’t get Kim’s part,” I whispered.

I felt Jennifer’s hand on my shoulder. “That’s okay, Erin. You got Ellen’s part, though.”

“It’s not the same,” I replied quietly and felt tears filling up my eyes.

“There’s always a next time,” Hugh assured me.

I shook my head. “I should have done it on my own. Why the hell did I agree singing with Wendy? I was playing right through her game! She wanted me to play as Ellen so that Mrs. Parker would be convinced that my voice is fit for Ellen!”

Before my friends could say anything, Wendy herself appeared beside me and checked the list. Her whole face lit up when she saw her name. She glanced my direction and then realized it was me. “Erin!” she said in surprise.

“Congratulations for getting Kim’s part,” I told her, without looking at her direction.

“Um, thank you,” she said quietly.

“You deserved it.”

Wendy stared at me for a long time before walking out. I sighed and turned around. My friends were staring at me, not sure what to say. I smiled at them. “It wasn’t my time to get the main role. Plus, I’m a newbie. Maybe Mrs. Parker wasn’t sure that I could be confident enough to act on stage.”

“Maybe,” Charlotte replied. “Give all your best in being Ellen and show Mrs. Parker that she made the wrong decision.”

I nodded. Charlotte was right.


Wendy was walking on the stage, carrying her script with her. “You are sunlight and I moon, joined by the gods of fortune, midnight and high noon,” she recited. “That’s what we are, how in one night have we come so far. Outside, day starts to dawn, one long night time is gone. I feel you near, I cry no more. I reach your door and our love is reborn! Bright’ning the sky with the flame of love made of sunlight, moonlight…

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