Chapter Twenty-One: Secret Kisses

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When I woke up, Winston was still sleeping. His hand was draped around my stomach and his right leg was also around mine. Despite the uncomfortable position, I smiled. His eyes were closed and his mouth was slightly opened. He was snoring quietly, and I can’t help thinking that it was the cutest sound I ever heard in my whole life.

This was the sixth time Winston slept beside me. Ever since the night we got together, he always sleeps beside me. He said it was more comfortable and he likes sleeping with me. The advantages when you have your boyfriend living inside your mirror are awesome.

I glanced up at my wall clock and saw it was already six-thirty. School starts at eight and I haven’t even taken a shower. I sighed and brushed my nose against Winston’s to wake him up.

He slowly did and when he opened his eyes, he smiled at me showing off his teeth. “Good morning,” he said sleepily and kissed my nose. “How’s your sleep?”

“Fine,” I replied. “But, listen, I’m running late and if I’m not yet out of this bed in the next five minutes… I’d be having my first sanction of being late.”

“Then be late,” he said and held me tighter in his hands.

I sighed with a smile and snuggled closer beside him. I would give anything in this world just for us to stay like this for the rest of the day but unfortunately, school needs to come first.

“I’m really sorry,” I said, my face facing his chest. “I really have to go, Winston.”

He groaned in protest but let me go. I got out of bed and ruffled Winston’s hair, knowing he wouldn’t like it. He scowled at me. “Go and take a bath, Erin. You smell,” he teased.

I rolled my eyes. “Look who’s talking.”

After I took a bath, Winston was nowhere to be seen in my room. I think he went back to the mirror. I slipped on my clothes and went downstairs to eat breakfast. To my surprise, I saw Winston eating breakfast with Gina and Simon while Josephine was cooking.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

Winston grinned at me. “Eating,” he replied. “Why don’t you join us?”

I sat down on my usual seat and continued eyeing him. Gina sighed as she noticed this. “Winston came this morning to talk to me, Erin,” she said and winked at me. “Guess you’re not the only girl in his mind.”

“Why do you need to talk to her?” I asked him, frowning.

He shrugged. “I need a job. I asked Josephine but he said I have to talk to Gina because she’s been out lately and maybe she knows some job offers around.”

“So, could you help him?” I asked, this time looking at my aunt.

“Yes,” she replied. Winston’s face brightened and I smiled at that. “But it will affect your relationship.”

“Huh?” was my confused reply.

Gina finished eating and then looked at the two of us seriously. “Mrs. Parker needs a pianist for the club. I asked Winston what he could do and he said he could do anything especially playing the piano. So I thought, he should play the piano for the club.”

“So why would that affect our relationship?” Winston questioned. “Wouldn’t that be a good idea since Erin and I will be with each other every time?”

“Yes, but let us remind ourselves that you are twenty years old and you’re dating a seventeen-year-old,” Gina explained. “And if you’re going to work as a pianist in school, then it means you’re working for the school. And it is forbidden for someone to work for the school to date someone who goes to that said school.”

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