A Little Swap Around

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Tess, daughter of Athena.

She didn't have a grudge, she had to keep convincing herself. It was just a harmless prank she was going to pull.

"Yo, Tess! We need you over here A.S.A.P! We've got some really important stuff we need you to have a look at!" Jackson yelled. It wouldn't have been important if he didn't need Tess.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. I-I-I have some stuff to do." As soon as she had finished her sentence, she walked as quickly as possible to the door.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with the prank wars? or the Ares cabin?" Jackson frowned. The Athena cabin absolutely hated the Ares cabin. There had been long standing rivalries with Ares, and ever since the Ares cabin had pulled the most daring, dangerous and most thoughtful prank on the Athena cabin a few years before both Tess and Jackson got to camp. The prank made the Athena cabin look like total dorks, and made the Ares cabin look like it was the best place in the whole world to be.

"It does. But you absolutely can't tell anyone what I'm doing, okay?" Tess was worried. Everything could go wrong. She wasn't a prankster, she was a person of knowledge.She would rather spend her time in a library reading, rather than thinking up ways to prank people.

"Promise. But, you absolutely have to tell me what you've done when you get back."

"I will Jackson!" Tess made her way over to the Ares cabin. It was a scary place, covered in barbwire, weapons and bloody slogans. Tess wanted to change that.

She slowly walked inside, taking each step cautiously, because she didn't know what was going to stop her in her path.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A voice called out from somewhere above her. "You never know what they might have set up in the way of traps."

"Then how did you get in?"

"I can fly!" The mystery person flew down onto one of the messiest beds in the cabin. It turned out to be Johnny, one of the popular kids from the Zeus cabin.

"Johnny! What are you doing here?"

"I came to prank the Ares cabin. I could ask the same of you?"

"I came to prank the Ares cabin." Tess sighed. It looked like her plans were ruined. "I guess I'll be leaving though."


"Because you were here before me and it's only right that you get to prank the Ares cabin."

"Nah, you can do your prank. I'll do mine at the same time. They won't see it coming!!" Johnny flew to the top of the cabin laughing.

"Ok?" Tess placed her bag down on another messy bed in the Ares cabin, and got to work. She first needed to take down all of the previous posters, the ones that were posters of people fighting, of Ares, of blood, gore and death. They were quite disturbing, and Tess wouldn't be surprised if she had nightmares later.
It had taken her only 15 minutes to take down the posters. Unfortunately, it was going to take her around the same time to put all of the new posters back up.
These posters were even more special than the ones that were already there. There were pictures of cute puppies and kittens, pictures that Tess had managed to get off We Heart It (basically really, really pretty and girly pictures), pictures of little kids' TV shows like Angelina the Ballerina, The Wiggles, Giggle and Hoot and Dora the Explorer, and pictures of dresses, and girly outfits. Basically everything you'd find if you went into the Aphrodite cabin, minus the kids' TV shows posters.

"Are you done yet?" It was Johnny, already done with his prank, whatever it was.

"No. I can't get up high enough to place these teddy bears in the corner of the room."

"Let me help you with that." Johnny took the bears out of her hands, and flew up to the roof. He placed one in each corner, making sure they would stay put long enough until the Ares cabin would be back.
While he was doing this, Tess walked around the cabin placing more teddy bears on each bed. OCD Johnny had finished, Tess had as well.

"You done with whatever you had to do?"

"Yep. I can see what you've done. It's a nice touch by the way. The pink teddy bears."

"Thanks." Tess smiled. She was happy! One of the popular boys at camp had liked her prank! The boy she had a crush on!

"Sooo, what now?"

"I have to go and dump this bag into the Aphrodite cabin, just to make sure I don't get the blame."

"I'll come with you. Actually, I'll fly you." Johnny picked her up around the waist, and flew out of the cabin, before she had a chance to react.


"Nope. You're stuck with me for a few minutes." Johnny glances down to see where they were, making sure not to crash into anything.

"I told you to put me down!!" Tess absolutely hated heights. When she was living with her dad, he used to take her to lots of skyscrapers, just so thy could both see the view from the top. They used to hike up mountains and have a picnic at the top, but that was when the dreadful day came. They were having a picnic lunch at the top of an extremely tall mountain. The wind had just started to come up, and it was getting stronger. There was a young man, standing at the edge of the lookout. He was short, tanned, definitely fit, and he was wearing sunglasses on his head and had a map in his hands. The man he a jacket tied loosely around his waist, and his backpack was on the ground. It wasn't until a huge gust of wind came along, and he was pushed over, falling onto his back, leaving him winded. His sunglasses had fallen over the edge, along with his map that was now making its way to the bottom of the mountain, dancing in the wind. His backpack had just fallen over the edge, and the only thing that hadn't was his jacket. Tess remembered that her dad has rushed over to help the man, and make sure he was okay, but that was all she could remember. Ever since that day, Tess had been scared of heights, and scared of what the wind could do to her.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the Aphrodite cabin.

"Go away!! I don't want to speak to you!!"

"Fine, fine." Johnny walked off, leaving Tess in a state of shock. she managed to put the bag into the Aphrodite cabin, and then she made her way into the forest, to go and climb a tree and think. Johnny had terrified her with flying her back to her cabin. She hated him for it. Absolutely hated him.

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