6th grade life

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I'm Bethany and I'm in 6th grade. This story is about my everyday life in the 6th grade. I have many friends you'll meet them later. Now for my story

Chapter 1
The first 3 weeks

My mom driver me to school. I walked inside I walked into my classroom. I love school honestly. I love everything about it! I love to learn, I love the clubs, I'm in student council right now. today were only doing basic stuff learning rules, learning schedules, no ACTUAL learning. The day passed by quickly before I knew it I was riding the bus home. I had to wait till the second round before I got home. We had to drop everyone from the jr high off, THEN pick up liberty, and only then would I get home. When I got home my step dad made me do the dishes and fold the laundry. When I was done I got to watch some T.V. Before I knew it it was 8pm an I had to start getting ready for bed, brush my teeth, brush my hair, put all of my pillows and or stuffed animals back on my bed, taken iPod out of its case pure it on the charger/alarmclock. Before I knew it it was 8:30pm time to go to bed I turned on a 20 minute playlist of my favorite songs and went to bed.
My alarm clock wakes me up at 5:30 every morning. I got up put my robe on and grabbed a towel for my shower.when I was done with my shower an got dressed, and did my hair, it was 6:30ish now I have to wake up my little brothers. "ANDY!BRIAN!!" My little brothers weren't much younger than me brain is 1 year younger. Andy is 2 years younger. Andy rides the bus to school most days he goes to an elementary school.brain and I go to an intermediate school 5th-6th grade. Once they wake up I go to the kitchen and make breakfast. When were done eating brain and I walk to school. I have to get to school early to help with student council. For the most part nothing to interesting is happening at school for a couple weeks.
2 weeks pass by with the same routine the 3rd week we finally get to start using chemicals and fire in the science lab. That was fun. It's Friday of the 3rd week if school before I know it. Alls I can think about other than school is the dance next Friday....

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