Chapter 6

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Yep, this is the surprise. A change in perspective by Jackson. (Still don't own any of these pictures, only the one in A/N)


Jackson's POV

The pain keeps going as the bruises came. My step father hit me again, in the arm, on the collar, my chest, face. He kept hitting me until I was too weak to stand. Even after I fell, the punches and kicks were coming and he wouldn't relent.

My consciousness started slipping away. I have to get out of here before I die at the hands of this madman. I tried to crawl across the room but he stepped on my hand.

"WHERE DA FUCK DO YA THINK YA GOIN BOY!" He crushed my hand underneath his heel and I let out a whimper of pain. I already had a bruise on my knuckles from getting into a fight at school, my stepfather saw it and he felt this was the best form of discipline he could hand out.

I grabbed his foot with my other hand and attempted to throw him off so I could make a break for it. The only thing I succeeded in by doing that is making him even angrier.

He got off my hand only to kick me in the face, making me slip out of consciousness for a few seconds. I remembered the knife I had in my pocket, my friend Keira gave it to me for protection, for this kind of situation.

I can't make it obvious, he isn't stupid. He doesn't know about the knife but he is pretty good at assuming. I rolled onto my stomach as he kept sending blows and fumbled for my pocket.

I pulled out a four inch switch blade and quickly stabbed his leg.

Even quicker, I got up and ran to the nearest room with a sturdy lock, him howling cusses from pain and anger, spouting nonsense. I was in the bathroom, I rushed over to the sink and opened the drawer I keep my medicine in.

I swallowed hard at the thoughts in my mind, to many to keep straight. No, I won't do it, I mean I can't. I promised Keira that I wouldn't.

I slammed the death sentence close and walked to the bathtub, climbing in and sitting down. Then it started, the crying, sobbing, sullen attitude. When I'm around him, I can't do this, because then he'll know that I'm weak, making him beat me more.

I reached for the knob to start the shower, it's wonderful wetness, pouring onto my body. Slowly, I started to peel off the now soaked clothing, luckily, I don't own anything valuable.

I left my tank top and skinny jeans on and laid back further in the tub, allowing the water to flow over my face. My step father didn't bother trying to bust down the door, he has probably called the cops by now, blaming me on stabbing him.

There was a faint tapping from the window, I had a couple ideas who it was. I got up slowly and flicked up the switch of the window without getting out of the bathtub. I sat back down quicker than I got up as Mika (A/N: Mika is a guy) climbed through the opening.

He was a nineteen year old that had blonde, almost white hair, and light blue eyes. Somehow though, his hair and eyes change colour based upon his attitude or emotion he feels at the time.

When he is angry, his hair and eyes will turn completely black. When saddened, stormy blue and when lustful, purple. I should know Mr. Purple pretty well by now, he turns like that all the time when he is around me.

He is also kind of a geek at our school, especially in math. He would always get the highest grades but he never got called upon during class.

Mika sat on the floor beside the bathtub, "What happened this time to get you so down?" I stayed silent as he examined the bruises and answered his own question. He leaned his head back and quietly whispered to himself, "Fuck him."

His head raised and looked at me in the eyes, "He did it again didn't he." I just nodded and he got up and climbed in the tub with me as well.

Mika's hair started turning blue and black as he sat opposite from me. His hands began to shake, "How many times is this going to happen?" He cursed under his breath. "Fuck it, let's get out of here Jackson" Mika slowly got up again and cut off the water.

I questioned, my voice still shaky, "How, he is probably still out there, just waiting to rip my head off of my neck. Mika, I stabbed him. I fucking stabbed him. I'm going to go to jail. I don't wanna go to jail Mika."

He grabbed my shoulders, "Hey Jackson, look at me." I didn't, "Dammit look at me." I looked at him as he stared into my eyes again, his were still swirling with black and blue.

"It was self defence right?" I nodded. "Then you aren't going to jail, okay, come on. But you can't be soaking wet or you'll die of a cold. We need to get to your room to get some clothing."

I stood and got out. I listened to the drip, drip, drip of water coming from off my hair and clothes. Mika pulled a glass bottle out of his pocket, probably a beer bottle from his house. His dad is an alcoholic so I guess it's pretty easy to find one just laying around.

Mika opened the door gently and I followed behind. He peeked around the corner and motioned for me to hurry up.

We got to the next corner and creak, Mika stepped on an old floorboard. A dark figure came out next to Mika carrying a butcher knife, "MIKA!" His eyes grew wider then turned completely black followed by his hair doing the same.

He gripped the bottle tighter and swiftly whacked the figure in the head. The glass shattered and there was maroon oozing from the monster's skull, they dropped to their knees and fell with a thunk.

"Did you have to fucking kill him?" Mika turned around, "I didn't kill him...well at least," He breathed out heavily, "not yet." I walked past him and down the narrow hall to the end and opened an old wooden door.

Time skip

"So where are we heading?" Mika shrugged, "I would say my house, but my dad got back an hour ago. That's why I came to your house, but then I heard a ruckus or squall, whatever you would like to call it. I looked through your living room window, saw the old man on the phone, I'm assuming the police. I heard the shower, thought it was you," he took out a cigarette and lit it, "I was right."

Mika took off his glasses and held an unlit cigarette to my hand, "Smoke." It wasn't a question, he was demanding that I take it, "Yeah." I grabbed it and held it to my lips and he lit it for me.

His hair and eyes returned to normal as he took another drag. "Well...can we go to Keira's house?" My heart dropped out of my chest, "No...she got admitted to a mental asylum again."

His roots were turning a light blue, "You mean..." I nodded, knowing exactly what he was trying to say. I couldn't bring myself to say it. He whimpered, "So the second time, huh?"

We just sat on the sidewalk and smoked until the fire reached our fingertips. He stared at me with wonder glinting in his eyes.

"So how many times have you tried?" I sighed, "Eight...I guess." I snuffed out the ember on the cigarette. "So how did you do it and when?" His voice cracked and I shook my head, "I'll tell you later."

A blue car passed by as I stood up, "We should go find a place to stay." It was his turn to nod.

We walked the lonely streets until dawn cracked upon the sky. "Hey Jackson, my dad has probably left by now...well either that or hung over and won't give a damn that your there. So let's just head back to my place." He directed us to his house.

So how did you guys, gals, and every single awesome person like this chapter. Was it a good or bad surprise. Please let me know in the comments if there is something I need to edit or improve, it'll be greatly appreciated.

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