Chapter 9

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So this cute little face is Justin.



Jackson's POV still

Both Mika and I were in his car, riding along the highway, listening to the hum of the road as the car drove overtop of it. He kept his eyes ahead, concentrating in the dark.

Apparently, it was already almost midnight when I woke up at his house. Mika said that I looked exhausted so he let me sleep. He also exclaimed to me that I look quite adorable when I sleep.

Normally, I had insomnia which made it nearly impossible but I guess when you're that wore out and beat, no matter how big of an insomniac you are, it's going to be hard not to sleep.

Mika turned on the radio but kept it at a dim volume, loud enough to listen to lyrics, but not enough to boom out of the car.

Whenever I listen to music, I always comb through the lyrics so I can understand the meanings of the songs. Each little verse and word has its own definition to it, so I hear it out and piece together the big picture.

Because every individual piece of a puzzle matter. If you loose one or simply forget to place it, the puzzle will be incomplete.

I can't say that it'll be perfect if you fit everything together. It'll still have lines through out the picture, obstructing it. Literally nothing is perfect. Even the phrase nothing is perfect is imperfect.

Life on earth isn't perfect. Science isn't perfect. This is a touchy subject for quite a few, but even religion isn't perfect. Those gods that you believe are up in the sky or earth gods or whatever, they still aren't perfect. I mean no offense, but you have to agree that it is true.

Everything you could ever think of is far from imperfect. If bully's say that you aren't perfect, don't sweat it, because they aren't perfect either.

Wait a second. Okay that got off topic pretty quickly. Don't you think?

Mika glanced over in my direction, "Hey, are you doing okay? You look a bit pale." I nodded, "Yeah I'm fine. I was just thinking."

"Oh yeah? What about?" He kept looking at me every few seconds waiting on a response. "Hey."

"Sorry what. I wasn't paying attention. I zoned out again. Could you repeat the question." I stammered.

"I asked what are you thinking about?" He chuckled, "I swear, you're there worst to try holding a conversation with."

"Ah yes, you and that signature chuckle. Well mister laughs a lot, I was thinking about how nothing is perfect and that even the phrase itself is imperfect."

"Wow Jackson. So you're thinking about the universe, that's deep. You're going to give me an existential crisis."

I noisy buzz came from Mika's cell phone, interrupting my thoughts once again.

He put it on speaker phone, "Hey Justin, what's up. I already told you that were on our way."

A nice, cute, soothing voice came through the phone. He sounded worried, "No it's not that. I just need to give you guys a heads up. Don't try running any red lights or get any speeding tickets."

Mika's brows furrowed, "So you called to tell us that."

Justin's voice cracked a bit more, "No....I called to tell you that someone has put a warrant out for you're arrest. The police are looking for you and you're friend for attempted murder."

My heart sank. That son of a bitch really did call the cops.

"That's not all. Mika, they are trying to charge you extra for kidnapping and Jackson for having a stockpile of illegal drugs in you're room."

Mika and I spoke at the same time, "Excuse me what." He looked at me, "Sense when did you have drugs. I've only known you to smoke, not snuff or use needles." He whispered, "And more importantly, why didn't you share?"

"I don't have illegal drugs in my room and if I did, don't worry, I would've shared. But I'm not gonna be taking drugs anytime soon nor have I ever."

Justin spoke up again, "Look ladies, your both pretty, but you have bigger troubles on your hands. Now hurry up and get here. It's a good thing that I live in the middle of the woods and police officers are a rare occurrence."

Mika nodded, "We're about ten minutes away."

Time skip brought to you by the adorable wittle Justin =3

Mika drove up to a winding dirt path that wasn't wide enough to fit the car. "Hey." I shot a glance at Mika. "Are you sure that we're supposed to be here?"

He nodded, "Um yeah. This is where he lives. Alone, by himself. But trust me, he is far from being a loner." Mika's hair was still blonde, I guess that he can keep his emotions under control for now.

My thoughts were ruined when I saw his eyes form into a hazy blue.

Mika took in a sharp breath and his eyes turned normal, "Ok we have to walk on this path for one mile which will take us maybe ten or fifteen minutes. Then we will find another path, paved with gravel-"

"If it was paved with gravel, then why couldn't we just have gone there." I pouted.

He looked mildly annoyed but answered swiftly, "Because mister smarties, that would've taken us ten extra mile to get there. So buck up. That gravel road is only half a mile from his house."

I let out a sigh of relief, but of course that was short lived.

"We are only passing by the road, we have to go half a mile into the woods." He crossed his arms.

"Wait, so let me get this straight. First, we'll walk on this path for a mile. Then, we will come across a gravel paved road only to find out that we are just going to skip the road only to venture half a mile into the woods."

I must of looked dumbfounded because Mika smiled and chuckled and raised his thumb to signify that I was correct.

I slouched over, "You've gotta be kidding me. So you've done this before?"

We started walking towards the path and Mika lit a cigarette. He must be really stressed.

"Um yeah. I've done this a couple times."

Only a couple?

"I can't believe that they're charging me with kidnapping." His pace fastened.

"I don't think that they'll find you very easily though."

He stared at the ground and didn't respond for a few moments, "Yeah, I guess you're right."


Please don't kill me about the religion thing in paragraph eight and Plz don't hate Jackson, he was just trying to get his point across.

Btw just in case you guys don't remember, if we get this book up to fifty votes, I'll do a face reveal and an extra chapter. As in it doesn't have so much importance to the story. Like I'll write a lemon between Mika and Justin for example for the bonus chapter. Comment what you want me to do for the bonus and I'll be sure to get to it. (It can even be people from Casey's POV but the POVs can't cross over characters)

So I shall see y'all lil beans in the next chapter.

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