Chapter 7

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I awoke in a cold sweat. Where the hell am I? The floor is stone cold and hard like wood.

I stood and felt a searing pain all over my body, the only piece of clothing I was wearing was my black skinny jeans that was know ripped at the knees. How did that happen? I don't even remember going to sleep.
The only light entering the darkened room was from a sliver of light under the doorway. I tried walking over to it only to prevail with a sharp pain going up my foot. I groaned because of the pain. I sucked in a shaky breath and headed to the door.

Before I got to it, the door flew open, the smell of smoke and alcohol flooded into the room. A tall male with messy black hair and a trench coat walked in followed by a pretty female wearing a faded black dress.

They both walked up to me, the woman had a mad grin plastered upon her face and the man had an evil frown.

"Welp, yar woken up (A/N: it irked me to write this)." The man wheezed out a chuckle as the woman pulled out a pair of cuffs. "Nothin well hurt enymar wilt et boyo*(look at the foot note)*."

An involuntary whimper escaped my mouth when the cuffs were wrapped around my wrist. I have smaller hands than I remember. Now that there was light in the room I could see better.

There was a dresser and a mirror on the wall to my left. The mirror had cracks on it that resembled the number nine.

On my right, there was a bed made out of wood with chains and cuffs on it. The back wall was dimly lit so I couldn't quite make out what it was there.

I turned back around to face them and saw the fist of the man being raised into the air. The dread hit me like a baseball bat to the face.

I couldn't make myself move as the hand came down through the air and I got knocked out cold.

I shook awake and screamed loudly which freaked Mika out. "What the hell is wrong with you Jackson?" The room was lit dully because the sun was either setting or rising. I shivered and felt a stain of my innocence run down my cheek. I raised my hand to my face to wipe way the tear before Mika saw.

I turned away from him and mumbled, "Just another one of those damn dreams. It was about number nine." Mika scoffed in disgust, "Those pigs didn't deserve you, they shouldn't have gotten away with it." He shook his head.

We were in his bedroom, most of it painted in dark colours. More or less, the colour palette was just jet black and deep purple.

I turned to face him once more, "Hey Mika. Ok, so, black is the colour for rage and purple is lustful, am I correct?" He nodded in a confused manner, wondering what is was getting at. "So...the colours of your room...symbolizes...angry sex?"

Mika burst out in laughter again, "Oh my god man, yes. I would love it if I would've noticed that first."

He stood up straight and attempted to tame his unfixable hair. "Would you like to see if the colours are real?" My breath was taken away when he strode over to me and touched my arm.


BOOM cliff hanger. Sorry guys for not updating and extremely sorry for making such a short chapter. *hides behind a pillow (because that will work brilliantly)* don't keel meh. I know I don't normally make such tiny chapters but I have really bad writers block right now and my typing skills are just blek.

*Welp, yar woken up...Nothin well hurt enymar, wilt et boyo* (translation)- well you woke up...nothing will hurt anymore, will it boy.
That is just in case you guys have no idea what the heck I was trying to type. Ugh I hated doing that *shivers* I don't like it when people don't speak correctly (unless it isn't their fault) but if they are evil (like him) it just urks me.
Irk- irritated
Urk- getting pissed off

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