Chapter 5

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Watch the video before you read the story, there will be an Easter egg that you won't get unless you have watched this video (but it is still humorous). If you can't watch it, get internet ASAP. Markiplier's reading you comments #1.


We arrived at the hospital two hours ago, Erik was lying on a bed. Nale and I were sitting on some chairs we placed beside the bed. Kay and my mother went to the cafeteria so they wouldn't be far.

A cute looking nurse walked in, one that Erik would hit on had he been well.

She walked over to us and said in a melodic voice, "The doctor wanted me to tell you that Mr. Erik needs to be checked into a mental hospital." Nale spat, "Erik doesn't need to go to a nut house, he is one of our friends."

He grumbled, "He was just trying to protect Casey." Erik chucked a little and the nurse looked at him. "Hey honey, what were you trying to protect her from?" Erik's eyes shot open and he looked at me and mouthed, "I don't know her."

I shook my head and he looked back at the nurse, "I can't tell you why I attacked him. It's not my decision to say."

The nurse glared at us, "Well that isn't my decision to allow you to stay. So either you stay here and go to the mental part of the hospital or you go to a different one that isn't near your home."

Kaylee walked in the room drinking tea out of a straw and she said casually, "So what's going on and who is she?" Nale looked at Kay and pointed at the snobby nurse, "She wants to put Erik in a nut house."

She walked up to the nurse slowly and growled, "Excuse me, what the hell do you mean?" The nurse left while she mumbled, "I've already went through this." Kay let her pass and she walked over to Erik. "Erik, do you want to do this?"

He started to shake his head it then nodded. Nale looked shocked, "But why?"

"It doesn't matter, but I shouldn't be there for long. But I don't want to go here." We were all quiet until mom walked in.

She gave us an odd look, "Hmmm?" Kaylee said, "A prissy nurse walked in here and told us that Erik has to be locked up in an asylum." Mom blinked, "Oh. Well Erik, do you think you should?"

He nodded and Nale added in, "But just not here." Mom looked at Erik again, "When will you get discharged?"

Erik shrugged, "Two days maybe."

Time skip: one day later


I stayed with Erik overnight and early in the morning long after Erik fell asleep, the doctor came in to talk to me.

His name was Dr. Honeycutt, he treated me after I attempted suicide because of depression. "So your friend is trying to follow in your footsteps?" I glared at him playfully, "But he didn't swallow 37 pills, did he?"

He chuckled, "Yes I know, that isn't funny but the way you put that is." I rolled my eyes. "You do know that we are going to have him admitted into a mental asylum, correct?" I went back into my memory, "Yeah, that 'fun loving nurse' came in here and told us."

"Oh, I believe you mean Ms. Wells. She's new here, I'll talk to her for you if you would like." He sat down beside me on the couch, "You can talk to her but not for me, you can talk for Nale's sake."

He looked at me for a few moments, "How old are you now?"

"I'm nineteen now. What about you?"

"Twenty six." We sat in silence for a few minutes. "I'm really sorry about Andy by the way." I felt like I was stabbed, memories flowing back to me. "He was a good kid, excuse me. He was a good teenager." He put an emphasis on was.

"If I remember correctly, he was also your first kiss, right?" I nodded I remembrance of that night. He cleared his throat, "Sorry for dragging up bad how has Nale been?"

"He has been fine but he's a bit shaken up because of the resent events." I swallowed hard holding back tears, "It's a repeat from two years ago." Dr. Honeycutt sat and waited with me for the rest of the morning until I finally fell asleep.

Time skip to the mental institution


Erik and I walked to the front desk. The lady behind it was in her mid-thirties and quite short. Mom dropped us off at the front door and ran on home to take care of Josh.

There was few other people there, a bald guy wearing a navy hoodie, a tall girl with a gym bag, and a guy about my age wearing a black hoodie and sobbing. Tears of joy or sadness? Not certain, but it looks of both. He was shaking slightly from nervousness.
A nurse walked out accompanied by a another girl with looks of my age. She had faded black hair (as if it had been dyed multiple times) and wearing a lot of band bracelets.
The male wearing the black hoodie jumped out of seat, his face still stained with tears. "Keira," he hugged the female with bracelets wrapped around her scarred wrist. "I was so worried about you."

He backed off and grabbed her shoulders seriously, "Please, never do that again." Hmmmm? I wonder what happened. "I'm okay seriously." Keira said, her voice filled with sincerity.
I went back to the conversation with the lady at the desk and Erik. "...well I enjoy your shortness." Oh, I guess that he is well enough to joke around now.

"Well I enjoy your dumbness." She crossed her arms and laughed. (The video at the beginning of the chapter XD (I like markimoo, don't judge me))
I helped Erik fill out a simple form. Name, emergency numbers, all the basics. We returned the form to the women and she said that he will get called back when they were ready for him.

I looked back over at the remaining people in the waiting room. By now, navy hoodie and gym bag left (A/N: odd nicknames, I know). That left Erik, Keira, the boy with the black hoodie, and me.
They were standing there talking to the nurse, the both looked nervous to talk to her, like they felt the didn't belong here. A nurse came out of dull looking door, wearing similar attire to every other staff member: A teal color shirt and black business pants.

She called Erik's name, he looked at me with fear. Was he regretting coming here? Did he not want to leave me?  I gave him and quick hug and whispered, "Don't do anything rash and be safe please." He rolled his eyes and said, "I thought they enforced safety here already."
I stood, watching him leave and noticed that I was trembling. I turned and saw the male with a black hoodie staring at me. His eyes piercing through my core, yet at the same time, soothing. I got chills up my spine and decided to leave.


Okay, please comment if you liked the chapter and tell me how I can improve it. Also if you want to kill me, sorry. Hehe I'm evil btw. Also on a side note, Keira is a friend of mine irl (in real life) and she is SUPER AWESOME. She wanted to be part of the story so I thought I could make an exception.

Next chapter will be a surprise. Mwahaha.

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