4. Am i jealous?

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Kid's POV xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was a warm feeling against my side. Opening my eyes, I realized Maka was sleeping beside me, Arms and legs tangled together.

We must of fell asleep like this during the movie? Maka might just kill me, since I had told her I'd sleep in my room. I can't even move without waking her up, so do I just lay here? I wondered, deciding to just wake her up.

"Maka, Maka? Wake up." I mutter gently. Noticing her stir, I kinda panicked, not knowing what much to do. What would I say?

"Gah where am i?" I heard her mumble half asleep. When she woke up though, she blinked a few times, startling when she realized we were face to face.

"Kid how did you? How did I? Did we? When did we go to sleep?" She blushed.

"Probably around 3:00, I think we just fell asleep and somehow ended up like this." I reason, waiting for her to push me away.

"Um your still laying against me" I swallow.

"I know." She muttered, thinking.

"Oh. What are you doing then?" I question, now getting extremely nervous.

"Trying to remember if you did anything to me last night. Like poison the popcorn, no you would be in pretty bad shape as well. You couldn't have moved me, I would have known. So it was truly coincidental?" She hummed, face still red. She didn't meet my eyes.

"Kid and Maka? Liz they're cuddling! How did you pull that off Kid?!" Patty yelled excitedly.

"Wait its not what it looks like." I try.

"Whatever. You're in the living room, so take whatever it is you're doing somewhere else." Liz smirks.

"Liz not you to." Maka moaned.

"I don't want to see you twos affection in public. Go.Get.A.Room." Liz laughed, rolling her eyes.

Maka and I both stood up. I told Liz and the great giggling Patty, we'd meet them both at school.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Souls POV xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ugh my head.
I stood up, seeing a pool of blood where I'd been laying only moments before, remembering vaguely what happened last night.

After cleaning up the blood, I went to take a shower. Turning the handle and basking in the feeling of the warm water sliding down my back.

It's a good thing I cleaned up or Maka would have - Maka!

I hurried through the shower, before rushing off to makas room.

"Maka!? Maka! Are you in here?!" I yell out, banging on her door.

"Don't waste your time soul. She never came back last night." Blair yawned, walking out of her room in only her bra and underwear.

"Blair go put some clothes on!" I groaned. "And what do you mean Maka never came home last night?

"She just never came home, and you can't tell me what to do unless we're dating. But I'm a patient girl." Blair huffed, smirking in my direction.

"I'm just gonna go to school." I groaned, rushing out the door before Blair could catch me and give me another nosebleed.

Ugh why is this walk so boring today?

"Hey BlackStar what are you and Tsubaki doing with Liz and Patty?" I question, looking at all the kids that should have been heading to class, but were standing outside the school instead.

"Oh we were just talking." Tsubaki says cheerfully.

"About?" I encouraged her.

"About what's been going on, giraffes, school, and about souls we've collected." She smiled.

"You guys collected souls?" I asked her, staring suprised at BlackStar.

"Well 3, but it's a new record. Didn't Maka tell you about it?" Tsubaki asked while everyone waited for my awnser.

"She didn't come home last night." I muttered quietly.

"She was at our place with Kid this morning." Liz said turning to look at me fully.

"Kid. " I growled, hearing the bell we all walked to class.

"Well Kid, Maka. It's nice of you two to join us today. mr.Sid already told me you were in the library yesterday. I won't be accepting any excuses." Stein hummed looking at the two meisters. I looked over at maka who refused to look over at me.

"We may have skipped yesterday, but we werent going to lie about it today." Maka said sternly.

"We did study, and make up the work about disecting poison frogs and toads you assigned." Kid nodded, handing Stein their work.

"Hmm, yes...yes that's correct...mmm...you both got your problems correct so why don't you take your seats now." He nodded at them.

Kid sat down between Liz and Patty, and Maka sat down next to me, but paid me no attention.

"Class dimissed!" Stein called out.

I was happy when he finally dismissed us, and I took this time to try to talk to Maka.

"Hey Maka? How come you didn't come home last night." I asked, grabbing her arm forcing her to face me while everyone else cleared out of the class.

Even Stein left for some meeting I think it was? Maka tried to pull away from me, but I just pulled her to my chest and held her there.

She struggled but couldn't break my grasp, so I just held her tighter. She eventually stopped struggling, barely able to move at all.

"Maka, why didn't you come home last night?" I asked her again, my annoyance evident.

"I slept over at Kid's house." she awnsered venomously.

"Stop being so mean, why would you go home with him?" I ground out, forcing her to look up at me, still stuck in my grasp.

"Because he was there for me yesterday, and I'm not afraid he'll do anything to me. I trust him." she answers quietly, but I still heard I let her go.

"You idiot, I've saved your life so many times and you go choose him over me? We're supposed to be partners." I growl, not thinking I aimed my hand up for a slap.

She froze in shock, before I could bring my hand down someone stopped me.

I looked over to see Kid gripping my wrist in his hand.

"You will not lay your hand on her. If you ever try to do something like this again," Kid paused, twisting my wrist. I grunted at the pain.

"I'll break your hands, and you won't ever be able to touch her." Kid finished, throwing my hand back at me.

"Kid don't." Maka hiccupped, grabbing his hand.

He pulled her out of the room with him, leaving me all alone wondering, what had I almost done?

Our Forbidden Love (Death The Kid X Maka)Where stories live. Discover now