6. The Sickness I bare

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xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Kid's POV xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I groaned, waking up and sliding out of bed, deciding not to change out of my pjs.

Walking down the stairs, I see Maka still fast asleep on the couch. I laughed a bit and sat down beside her. She had insisted I take the bed last night, since she had earlier. And there was no way to win against her at the time.

She took up most of the small couch, so I sat quietly against it on the floor. She flinched a bit, but still didn't wake up.

I played with her hair a little, since she hadn't bothered to put her hair back up last night. It was just naturally down, no hair products, no bows, no bands, just down.

It fell like a silk blanket covering her back. I found it pretty cute how she slept through it all.

But when she grabbed my hand I was snapped from my thoughts.

Looking down I realized she was still asleep. She cradled my hand close to her, my fingertips caught fire. I froze in place unsure of what to do.

Warm, warm, warm

I noticed her start to wake up and a strange sort of panic overtook me. What would I say in this situation?

She looked down at me, blinking the sleep from her eyes and using her unoccupied hand to rub them. The grip on my hand however tightened.
Looking at me again she laughed.

"What's so funny?" You could practically hear my embarrassment.

"How do these odd situations keep happening to us?"

"It's my fault, I was messing with your hair again-"

"I was the one grabbing your hand though Kid. You could have taken it back, Im sorry for keeping you however long I have." She smiled.

"It's alright really." I tried to reassure, was that even the right thing to do in this situation?

"You can say no to me. I did cause this whole mess with you, bring you into this thing with Soul. Honestly I've probably over stayed my welcome." She sighed pressing the hand she was holding into a fist against her forehead.

"No, I really like you being here don't say that-" I was cut off suddenly by a fit of coughing.

Startled Maka sat up and felt my forehead as the fit continued. I felt drained.

"You're feverish." She confirms, holding out a hand to help me up.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize, I don't want to get you sick so I'll just stay in my room."

"I'll help you up the stairs, don't worry about it." She chirped, yawning halfway through, "You'll feel better if you rest. I'll go make you something to eat."

Before I could complain she shot me a pointed look, I sighed letting her follow me up the stairs and sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"Maka you don't have to-"

"I want to, so it's fine." she hushs, leaning over and kissing my cheek, causing us both to freeze.

"I'm so sorry, it's just my mom would do that when I'd get sick. It always made me feel better."

I couldn't speak as she left. My face heated up and it wasn't because of the fever. I also felt lightheaded, though it's probably not whatever was making me sick either.

After awhile, I regained my senses. I realized the medicine had made me feel a little numb. I wasn't very sleepy anymore either, but I still couldn't move.

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