Chapter 22

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Learning how to think
in the midst
of fear
is a lesson
that everyone
needs to learn

Four POV

Shit. Shit. Shit!

Marcus usually gets home around six thirty and when he's home, I have to be home. The only exception is when I tell him that in going somewhere. My curfew is seven and it's freaking nine forty eight.

I'm going get hell for this when I get there.

Once I get home, I sit in the drive way for a minute. Contemplating on whether or not to go inside. The only thing is, I really don't have a choice. I step out of the car, shut the door, and approach the front door.

Almost immediately it swings open and standing in the doorway is a man in his late forties. His gray hair disheveled and a scowl stretched over his face. His eyes; dark, merciless pits full of pure hatred and repulsion.


He spits the word with venom. The disgust is obvious in his tone of voice but I can tell he's trying to contain himself in case anyone is outside, watching.

I look down at the ground, not meeting his gaze. All he wants is power. The satisfying feeling of power he has over me. I don't want to give him that power, that satisfaction.

But it's all I know how to do. It's all I've learned to do since he started the beatings. I'm such a coward.

"Inside. Now!"

He speaks to me as if I'm some kind of pet. As if I'm not worthy of the human title. I reluctantly walk inside the house. My head is racing with the thoughts of what was to come.

As soon as the door is shut and locked, I'm met with a blow to the right temple. A pulsing, thumping feeling goes through my head after the action occurs.

"You didn't come home," Marcus says. I almost laugh at that. Home. This isn't my home. Not this place where I feel completely unsafe. Not anywhere where Marcus is included. "this afternoon after school. You don't do that, son." He spits the word. "Wherever you go, you tell me, first. Even if it's to put gas in that shitty truck you own."

I stay silent. Maybe if I don't anything, it won't be as bad. Who am I kidding? It's Marcus fucking Eaton for fuck's sake. He would throw a grenade at my head if he had one whether I answer him or not.

"Do you understand me?" He yells sternly. It's then I realize that he's been asking the same question twice now, and I still haven't answered him.

"Yes, sir." I say monotonously.

A burning pain goes through me as he slaps the thick belt against my back. I cower away and take my shirt off. If I don't cooperate, it'll just become worse for me. Past experience has taught me well enough to know.

"I'm doing this for your own good, you pathetic excuse of a man."

I hear the gush of air as he whips the belt on my back. All I feel is a slight burn since it was only one. But that one turns into two, which turns into three, and ultimately... I lose count at around sixty three due to blood loss. Black dots of all sizes start fill my vision. My ears ring and it's like I'm underwater since all sound has been drowned out. I clutch on to the silver chain that hangs around my neck. Why did my life have to become of this for me? Why did she have to leave me?

Marcus is right, I am pathetic. Just a sorry excuse of a man. I deserve this. And how selfish of me to question why mom would leave me.

"Get up you piece of shit. I want you out of my sight." He points to the hard wood stairs. "Now!" He growls.

I scramble to stand up and stumble towards my room. What did I ever do to deserve this? I need to stop with all of these unanswerable questions. My life is how it is. I'm his punching bag, and that's never going to change. It's like I'm barricaded in the palms of Marcus's hands. He holds the chains that are keeping away from my deserved freedom.

I sigh as I shut my bedroom door and walk to my bed. This needs to end. One way or another. But, unfortunately, I know it won't.

I need to stay strong, though.

That's what mom would want for me. I'd do anything for her. Oh god, I miss her. That's why I bought the dog tag. That's why I never take it off, with the exception of taking a shower.

Just one more year.

One more year and I'll finally be able to get out of the devil's grasp. I'll go to a college out of state.

Maybe by that time, she'll be with me...

I made my New Years resolution and I intend to follow through with it. She'll be with me. She'll be mine, and I'll be hers. Fuck, I'm turning into some sappy, hopeless romantic. I need to stop these thoughts. Or at least the romanticism ones. Because I'm no romantic.

I hear my phone make a ding sound. Indicating that I have a text. Who would be texting me this late at night? It's about eleven o'clock. With a grunt coming from the back of my throat, I reach my arm over to the far end of my night stand and pick up the phone.

It's not eleven o'clock, It's ten sixteen. Well I was way off. I tap on my messages and see that I have one from Tris.

Tris: Hey, do you have the homework for Reyes's History class?

Four: Yes, but I didn't do it

Tris: 🙄Well thanks, that helps

Four: Anytime😇

Four: Did little miss perfect not do her homework for once?

Tris: I'm not perfect😒 And maybe...

I frown at the first part of the text. How does she not think that she's perfect? But I choose to just dismiss it.

Four: 😂

Tris: Goodbye👋

I chuckle and turn my phone off. It's pretty crazy that just the smallest, most random conversations I have with her, makes me feel better. I don't know what it is about her, I wish I did though.

Painfully, I get up from my bed and go to my closet where I grab a T-shirt. Then I go to my dresser and grab a pair of plaid pajama pants. I tenderly undress and put on my night clothes. Before I go to sleep, I plug my phone into the charger so it could charge while I sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
Hey guys. Sorry about not updating for like, that past two weeks, maybe two, I don't know...😬I feel bad about it but I was, and I know you've all heard this before, busy with school. It was the very last two weeks of school, and you know what that's means😒 Final exams and such. So I was studying and trying to focus on that. On the bright side, I am now out for the summer!😆Yay! So that means I should, hopefully, be updating more often. I promise, and I never break a promise😄 If you read this whole thing, comment 'CAKE🎂' The song that I put in this chapter, I feel, represents Tobias and how he's treated by Marcus. That's why I added it in. And quick fact, the composer/singer of this song was actually abused by his stepdad. So...yeah. I thought it really fit for Tobias's situation with Marcus.

/Mansion- NF\


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