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Allison's POV
        Stiles tossed and turned on his now very messy bed as the sun began to rise. I sat in the comfy office chair and played with the ends of my hair, thinking about how my friends would react when I see them again. My thinking was interrupted with Stiles' groaning as he reached for his alarm clock to turn it off. I laughed and stood up from the chair grabbed his phone. I slid the phone screen which made the loud, annoying sound come to a stop.
        "You look tired. Did you get any sleep?" I only shrugged and grabbed Stiles hands to pull him out of bed. My plan was ruined by Stiles pulling me into his bed and basically cradling me. I laughed and noticed how dangerously close our faces were. He put his forehead and to mine and I drew a sharp breath. After a few moments he let me fall lightly on the bed and he stood up to get for the day. I followed him to his bathroom and watched him while he got the water warm enough.
"Wait Allison I forgot, do you wanna take a shower?" Stiles laughed and I smiled back. I shrugged my shoulders and decided it wasn't needed since I took one last night. I turned around to leave him so he could shower but my feet were soon put to a stop as the front door opened and closed while a girl with blonde hair walked into the house. I widened my eyes and Stiles did the gesture back. He raced towards me and pushed me into the bathroom, slamming the door a little to loud.
I winced at the loudness but quickly recovered and turned off the running water. I put my ear to the bathroom door and tried to listen in. "Stiles!" I heard the blonde girl say. I could imagine Stiles smiling and then going up to her for a hug. "
"What are you doing here?" Stiles said which sounded a little meaner than he probably meant for it to be.
"Just wanted us to go to school together;" I could basically see the smile on her face, and it somehow made me feel kind of jealous. "Who's in the bathroom?" Stiles sounded as if he stumbled on his words looking for an excuse to why the bathroom door was closed and why it was closed with a loud bang.
"Uh-um, m-my dad." I shook my head and rested my head against the door. I could basically hear the lie in his voice and his dad was actually downstairs and there was a 99% chance that the blonde haired girl saw him. "But I just saw your dad downstairs like 2 minutes ago." I heard Stiles scoff and I'm pretty sure it was to himself before he "covered up" his lie.
"Did I say my dad? I meant Scott." Stiles fake laughed and then their voices began to fade down the stairs. I opened the door and watched Stiles basically push the girl out of the house, telling her that he wasn't going to school today. He closed the door on her and then looked at me where I had made my way to the stairs. He sighed and made his way back upstairs.
I can't help but love you

Even though I try not to

I can't help but want you

I know that I'd die without you

Stiles and I danced around the kitchen as I pulled professional moves while he tried to keep up. We laughed as he tripped over his own foot and almost fell on the floor. Once he was stabile he forced me to put my back to the counter without physically touching me. I smirked and decided to fake him out and began to go one way only to spin around and go the other way. We sang along to the song and desperately tried to not make a mess in the tiny kitchen. Our body's moved to the beat while Stiles grabbed my hand and spun me around a few times before almost dropping but not on purpose. I let out a yelp but ended up laughing. We danced ourselves to the living room and the song came to an end way to soon.
"Stiles, you know you didn't have to ditch school today." He looke at me like I was crazy as we walked back to the kitchen for water. "Seriously Allison? We just danced like that and that's he first thing you say!" Stiles laughed and handed me a bottle water before meeting me at the table in kitchen, something we had to dance around. I smiled and shook my head while I watched Stiles take a sip of his water.
"Stiles," I spoke and he quickly looked at me with concern. I continued, "I think I'm ready to see them." All Stiles did was stand up from his seat and walk over to me. I stood up as well and waited for what he was going to do when he reached me. We were only a few inches away when he opened his arms and brought me into a tight embrace. I smiled and gladly hugged him back. He stroked my hair as he whispered the words that would get me through everything.
"It'll all be okay Ally,"

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