Chapter 34

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(Joy's P.O.V.)

"Why doesn't he trust me?" That was the only question that kept running through my mind. He really doesn't trust me. Just the thought of him angered me.

A: "Joy are you still throwing up?"

"No, I'm just thinking."

T: "Well come on out and get some clothes so you can shower."

J: "I wanna go to the gym!"

I just want to let my anger out and I don't want to let it out on them. I let out my anger differently than the other girls. I have boyish tendencies when it comes to anger, I listen to music and workout. I just don't see how other girls hold it in. I just cry a little bit first and then workout like crazy. But I have a feeling they aren't going to let me go because I just got sick.

A: "Okay, just wash up a little bit and don't push yourself to hard!"

T: " No, Joy you need to rest!"

So close!

J: "No! I'm going to the gym!"

I heard talking but I couldn't hear them.

A: "You know how Joy gets! She's like a teenage boy when she's angry just let her! You don't want her to let it out on us do you? "

Taylor just nodded.

T: "I know, I know , I just want her to be okay."

A: "She will be just let her."

T: "Fine, Joy just be careful!"

*Heading down to the hotel gym*

So I guess I'll run first! Plugging in my head phones I just started running and I felt like I wasn't going to stop. I felt like I could just run away from everything. Once I reached my fastest, "Wrecking Ball" by Miley Cyrus came on and tears started forming in my eyes but I just held them in. After I finished running my adrenaline was pumping and I was ready to work out my arms. Punching bags? Yes! I wrapped my hands and wrist, and just went at it. As I was punching "Sugar We're Going Down" by FallOut Boy came on and I just let the tears fall. I know I don't have to be strong all of the time and that it's okay to let my guard down, so I did. And with that I let most of what I had to get out, out.

(Louis's P.O.V.)

I was at the pool when I saw that Joy came down to start working out. She was punching the bag as hard as she could, I've never seen her like this.

It actually looks like she's crying, but I don't want to assume anything.

"Come look at this, Zayn."

Z: "Look at what?"

"Joy, I think she's crying."

Z: "Maybe it's just sweat."

"I don't think so."

Z: "Well why don't you go in there?"

"Maybe she just needs time by herself. That's probably why she's in there."

Z: "She's leaving anyways so it doesn't matter."

We were at the pool for a little while longer until we decided that we should go back to our rooms. When we got up there we decided to take showers and then go to see if anyone wanted to go out for dinner with us.

First we went to Taylor and Liam's room. We knocked on the door and was greeted by Alyssa.

A: "Yes?"

"We were wondering if you guys would like to go to dinner with us and where are the others?"

A: "Sorry, not tonight. Joy and Harry got into a fight so she's staying in this room with me and Taylor while Liam stays in her room with Harry. That's probably where they are now."

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