Chapter 1

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Journal Log
It's been twenty six years since I found my father's old lab. I lost one of my eyes, my family and everyone I hold dear. I can remember their wide, desperate eyes, I can still hear their screams,and cries for help. Everything is still so.... Vivid. I still get nightmares, I hear and see things. Right now, I'm at my breaking point.
It all happened a few years back, me and my sisters Vanessa and Elizabeth, were walking home from school with our test results. Now, our father was a retired scientist, and being the children of one, we all got straight A's, well I got a B but still. We lived in a place called Hollow-Wood in England. We lived with our dad and step-mom ,Veronica. Our mother had died of...... Unknown causes. "We're home," said Elizabeth,"Welcome home kids," said Veronica, "your father's sleeping so be quiet, dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes." We all went to our room and started doing our homework, well I did at least. I can remember I smelt a really, awful odour. It smelt like rotting flesh bunched together, but, i just ignored it. A few minutes later Veronica called us down for dinner. I remember it being something like steamed vegetables and some lasagna. I then heard voice say, "dinner smells good." I turned around to see my father. "Hello Harry," he said. "Hi dad," I said. "So how was school today kids?" We all pulled out our report cards and gave it to him . When he saw my B he didn't really say anything all he said to me was do better next time. We all ate dinner and while eating I told him about the smell and he said that he would call the plumber the next day. We all went to bed, but that smell kept me up all night. While trying to sleep I saw a light shining in the hallway, when i looked closer it was my father slowly walking through the passage. I was about to ask him what was he doing, but then my mouth was covered. When I looked it was my sisters. "Shhhhh," said Vanessa, "We're going to follow him to see where he goes." We got up slowly and trailed behind him. Now for some reason, my father told us to never go into the basement or garage without him. He went to the basement door and on the wall seemed to be a panel with numbers and letters. We didn't see the codes he had put in but the door stayed opened long enough for us to squeeze through. We were right behind him so if he turned around there would be little chance of him seeing us. At the end of the basement there was a door, a big, rusty, old metal door, that seemed to be very heavy . He put his hand on the door then it slid open. When it did, I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw test tubes, chemicals syringes and even more stuff. "what is this?" whispered Elizabeth. "WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING AWAKE!!!!!" we turned around to see Veronica standing behind us. We blacked out, I don't remember for how long, but I remember waking up with machines, needles and other stuff I don't know attached to my body. When I turned my head my sisters and Veronica were in the same devices I was in.

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