Chapter 2

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"You shouldn't have come down here," my father said. "Dad, what's going on? Let us go," said Elizabeth. "Please Richard, said Veronica," Even if you don't want to let me go leave the children out of this?", Veronica begged. "They know too much already I can't let any of you see the outside world ever again." I looked around the place and in the test tubes, I saw decaying bodies, brains hearts, knives, tongues and a bible was sitting on his desk. "Dad?" I nervously said "what is this?" "This is my lab," he replied "I test humans and their behavior patterns. I also test the body parts and why they behave the way they do. I then test the brain, the thing that keeps us in our right senses. Then I test nerve receptors in it. The bible, well, let's just say I like Christian mythology."  "Why are you telling us this? " asked Vanessa. "I have.. to give my patients.... a little knowledge of what's in store for them." He then looked at me and started to walk towards me. He then took up what seemed to be a scalpel and drove it into my eye socket. I screamed, I cried, tears and blood ran down my face. At the sight of this my sisters began crying as well. "ALRIGHT,!!!" screamed my father.  "Let me tell you the reason why there is a bible in here... I read... stories about men walking on water, a mans strength is determined by the length of his hair, and a man that can part seas by just slamming a stick into the ground, " he explained. "Dad you do know that this was provided to them by God right?" asked  Vanessa. "I am far well aware of that sweetie. But... I, Doctor Richard Brown will prove to the human race that man is capable of making those same kinds of people, but this time... science is the creator."
"Your crazy, your insane. All your doing is turning people into monsters. DON'T YOU HAVE A HEART?!!!" screamed Veronica. My father told her that she was a nuisance and then took some surgical thread and a sharp needle and sowed mouth shut. "There, now you can permanently keep quiet. Elizabeth was too traumatized to even open her mouth for she had a fear of needles.

"Since I have new subjects to test I have no need to use any of these old stuff anymore. He then pulled a lever, and all of the bodies inside the cells went down a tube and into basin of acid. The only things left were the brains and the bible. "Now room for you isn't a problem." said father. "Now... let me show you... what man can do." He pressed a button on the wall that opened a secret door. Out of it... came a big greyish, greenish monster. It was chained up screaming and crying. "What is that?" asked Vanessa . He replied with the words that made me go insane. He said in a quiet creepy whisper "that... is your mother. Elizabeth and Veronica fainted Vanessa screamed a scream of sadness, shock, fear and anger. I struggled, screamed, but none of my efforts worked." SHUT UP YOU MONKEY BEFORE I PUT YOU IN THE SAME SITUATION AS YOUR MISTAKE OF A MOTHER!!!" My mouth slam shut. Now... do what I made you for." The creature turned around and walked over to the biggest test tube. It then lifted with ease. This tube held 56 bodies and was tall as a two story house. "This is my imitation of Samson." said father, " Harry, would you like to be my Moses, and be able to part seas?" I didn't respond. He simply just walked over to Elizabeth, took a razor and started to cut her upper skull, he was laughing a very deranged laugh. "OKAY!! OKAY I'll DO IT JUST STOP PLEASE!!!" Elizabeth couldn't even move her mouth from the way she was traumatized. He then smiled at me and unlocked my machines. But.... before I even could get up he injected him with a kind of paralysis chemical. After that, I couldn't even twitch my eye. He then carried me into a room filled with surgical equipment. There I laid down and the procedure began.

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