Chapter 4

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The Chase

We chased him inside, having a regretful feeling in our hearts, for we knew there was something waiting down there for us....
When we went through the door, we saw other, much smaller doors all the way down. Every door had a window to look at what was inside every cell.
The first cell, had a tall dark figure, sitting in the south-west corner. As soon as it saw us it walked towards us. To our surprise, it spoke. "Hello," it said. "h--how can y--you s-sp-speak," stuttered Vanessa. It then told us to step back. We did what we were told, and it walked through the protective door. From that I knew something was really wrong with my father's mental state. "For years I've been cooped up in here," it said. "With you I will make a deal." it said. "Why should we help some... Thing we just met?" asked Vanessa. " If you help me get out, one is, I won't kill you. Two is I'll help you catch your father. Deal?" We were very hesitant, and very iffy on this situation. I mean... we just met this thing, we don't even know what will happen. "Alright," I said. "Good, first we have to find some of my.... friends or cell mates if you will. But I warn you they are a little... Sensitive when it comes on to there personality," it said. We said okay and followed the figure down the hall. It then lead to a stairway, with a tattered broken door where blood, gore and bones decorated the walls. " WAKE UP," the figure shouted. "It's time for us to get out. I didn't see anything but something did get up. It growled and judging the growling noise, this thing was huge. I guessed right. It was the size of skyscraper and had blood mixed into it's saliva dripping from its mouth. Some bodies were in there too. "What is that thing?" asked Vanessa. "That... is your father's failed attempt of Goliath. He wanted it to be human but it just turned into another failed mutant," replied the figure. "But it's strength is incredible and that's why we need it." "wait," I said "I forgot to ask but what should we call you and this thing?" The figure slowly replied saying " I and this thing have no name. If you desire to call us something call us... Subject 6982 and 5706." We agreed and were ready to find the others... there was just one problem. 5706 couldn't fit through the door. So plan B came and 5706 burst it down. "Now only one is left..... him." "And who is he exactly?" asked Vanessa. "Don't worry about that," said 6982 "you'll find that out when you see it." 6982 led us to a hidden door strangely enough there were no windows. "Now listen carefully," said 6982 "you have to go in there and drag him out. We can't go in because of 5706's size and well let's just say he gets.... intimidated by me... Oh one more thing, do not make eye contact with it ...understood?" We all nodded our heads and 6982 opened the door.

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