The Sad Tale of a Sad Ghost

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Zack was confused and scared, Marla could see that. She sighed realizing she should probably clear up questions.

"Okay ask away any questions. But I swear to Grim if you ask are you serious? Because yes I'm fucking serious," Marla propped her legs up on the bed Zack was sitting on.

"What kind of jobs?"

"Good question," Marla was happy the kid could follow directions." So starting out small things like Ouija boards and Bloody Mary, or since you're a boy Candy Man. Then you'll be upgraded to houses but short term ones. Like you would probably only be there for a week usually. After that you can keep on moving from house to house like me or you can stay at one house. There is also an option to haunt like hotels, movie theaters, and schools," Marla explained to Zack.

Zack smiled kinda,"Cool. Why do you have guy cloths on?" Zacks question made Marla laugh.

"They where my husband to be's, you get your favorite outfit for the rest of eternity. Nice favorite out fit," Marla smiled at Zacks sweat pants and few sizes to big sweat shirt.

"Why is everyone here like in their twenties and stuff? shouldn't there be more old people?"

This was a usual question. No one ever under stood how this part works.

"You take on the form of what you looked like when you were the happiest," Marla blew the smoke of her cigarette in Zacks face, giggling while she did it.

"Oh so you didn't really die at like twenty," Zack felt less bad for her now thinking she lived a long life.

"No I did die at twenty seven ," she simply shrugged.

"Oh I'm sorry," he looked down at his bare feet.

"Don't be, you died younger," Marla reminded him.

"Oh yeah. Where's your boyfriend ?" Zack tried getting the fact that he's dead off his mind.

Marla looked down at her own feet.

"He's ah, he's still alive," she made a sad smirk.

"Oh I'm sorry," Zack didn't get how that was bad, sure she couldn't see him but at least he still had a life. "How did you die?

"The end of my bachelorette party, I'm wasted out of my mind. I go out into the alley of the hotel. Now I lived in Washington state and my party was in Vegas. So I wasn't use to this whole scene or anything, plus wasted. so I'm like I'll be fine going into an alley alone. Long story short I throw up,start walking back,some dude try's robbing me, I say no. Then I get shot in the chest then in the head," Marla hated reliving that night, every time she told it she could see and feel every thing that happened. She smirked trying to hide the hurt.

"When was that?" Zack left bad asking person questions, but he wanted to get to know her.

"2006 so ten years ago, don't bother catching me up I know everything I spend more time in the over world than Phantom inc."

"Do we get to see our families and talk to them?" Zack started thinking about seeing his sister again and his mom and dad. He wanted to tell them not to worry he's okay, and hey he has a job finally.

"Two rules follow the assignment we are given and two no talking to family, or anyone for that matter. Unless the assignment says we can which is rare," Marla saw the disappointment in the boys eyes but didn't know what to tell him rules were rules.

"Have you ever got to talk to your family?"

"One time, my boyfriend asked if it was okay if he could marry this girl his new girlfriend. It was a little more than two years after I died. I made the wind blow on his face saying no but I guess he thought that meant yes. They are having their third kid."

"I'm so sorry," Zack put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"Thanks dude."

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