1: Sorry

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Taylor's POV
Kelli and I were taking a walk through Central Park on our way to Starbucks. It was mid-day in the fall. The leaves were beginning to turn red, orange, yellow, and brown. Some had already fallen. It was a beautiful day in Nashville, Tennessee.

"So when does the tour start?" Kellie says referring to my Fearless tour.

"Soon, but you should come open for me and then we can spend so much more time together," I say.

"Yeah, I'll ask," she answers.

"You know this sounds like we need our parents permission," I laugh.

"Yeah, it's like mom can I tour with Taylor?" Kelli jokes.

"Yes, honey as long as you're back by ten," I laugh before something hits my leg. I look down at a little boy with beach blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, he looks no older than one or two.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I say standing him back on his feet.

"Uh oh," he says.

"I'm Taylor. What's your name?" I ask laughing at his response.

"Fiwnilwey," he say.

"Nice to meet you," I say not exactly catching his name.

"Finley, let's go now," a lady barks at him.

"Wes," he say as she grabs his tiny hand. She had another child with identical blue eyes and dirty blonde hair.

"Bwye, bwye," Finley say as the lady practically drags them away.

"No one wants a clumsy child, Finley pay attention," the lady says giving the impression that she isn't the mother of the children.

"Sorrwy," he says.

Finley's POV

When I was playing with Sister, I accidentally ran in to a lady with curly blonde hair. She was very tall, but her friend wasn't as tall. They had hair like sissy, it was kinda yellow. They were talking and laughing.

I'm one and a half, and my sister is one and a half too. We sleep in beds with bars. And we wear diapers and have binkies and we get sippy cups. And Miss M gets mad we when do something wrong. She doesn't like little kids but I think she likes us.

She tells us that we are Terrible Twins. I think that it's amazing, it's like a nickname. Right?

"Go get in there. Someone will be back with dinner, and we are never going back there again, God you too are embarrassments, disgraceful children," Miss Milligan says slamming the door. I break out in to tears and sissy does too. Miss Milligan just bangs on the door, meaning be quiet or shut up as she would say.

We spend a lot of time in our room. It has boring beige walls with two cribs, a changing table and a dresser where both sets of our clothes are kept. We both have one blanket but it isn't ours to keep, we've been told numerous times.

We have two pairs of pajamas, three outfits for summer, three outfits for winter, one rain jacket, one winter jacket, one sweatshirt, one pair of tennis shoes, one pair of boots, and we each have a Beanie hat. Mine is batman and Phoenix has a princess one.


"Alright, Dinner, children," Miss Milligan calls.

"Miss Milligan, can I have the key to the twins room?" Kayla asks.

"Yeah, but you have to feed the brats," miss Milligan says, cool a new nickname.

We eat some soft food from a jar. Kayla put us in the two portable high chairs we have here. We drank milk, and Kayla played hide and seek with us in our room. We aren't allowed to leave the room when everyone is here, we get in the way.

"Come'n time for bed," she says. She changes Phoenix then me. We were both in footie pajamas and diapers and I have my blue binkie while Phoenix has a pink binkie.

"Goodnight, Finley," Kayla says kissing my head.

"Goodnight, Phoenix," she says kissing her head.

"Goodnight, children," Kayla says shutting the door.

"Bwye, bwye,  kaywla," we both say before it shuts.

I close my eyes and the darkness covers my vision. I dream about a family with my sister and I. We are both smiling without Miss M. I have a mommy and a daddy. And a puppy.

First chapter. I know it's short but the story is just beginning.

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