5: What's A Vacwin?

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Taylor's POV

We land at the international airport in Maine. I honestly don't know the name of it but I'm for sure its international because the terminals are separated specially.

"Finley, Phoenix, it's time to get off the plane," I say in a low tone.

"Otay," Fin says jumping off he high seat. I lift Phoenix on my hip and take Finley's hand as security grabs our carry-ons.

"Miss Taylor, airport security has done its best job to contain the fans as we walk through the airport," Matt informs me.

"Okay, any other concerns?" I ask.

"Not any we're aware of," he says.

"Alright, let's go," I say following them out the plane.

"Miss Taywlor, are we gonwing to youwr houswe?" Phoenix asks me.

"No, we're going to a hotel," I tell her.

"Cawn I wear my new clowthes?" Fin asks holding tightly to my fingers.

"Yes, you can wear your new clothes," I laugh at his excitement which is also kinda sad how excited he gets just over a few new outfits.

"Yay!" Phoenix cheers lifting her head off my shoulder and throwing her hands in the air.

"Yeah, now listen very carefully. There's gonna be a lot of people in the airport with cameras that make bright flashes, so I need you guys to stay close. Don't worry about the flashes they just want to take your picture," I explain setting Phoenix on the ground and kneeling to their level.

"Miss Taylor it's time to go," Matt calls.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Yes!" They both yell.

"Alright, take my hand, and remember I'll be right here the whole time, don't be scared," I say.

We walk out into the world of flashing lights and shouts of joy. As predicted there was paparazzi everywhere, Fans were lined up behind barricades, and news crews were there speculating the reasoning behind Fin and Phoenix.

We stopped a couple of times while security pushed the paparazzi back. I don't want the kids in any pictures hence the reason they were walking and I wasn't holding them. They can take as many pictures of me as they want. The kids don't live my life, they're here to be in my new music video not get a million of pictures taken in a screeching loud airport.

We finally made it out of the airport there was a waiting car equipped with two car seats. The car was black with two seats in the middle then a backseat with three seats. I lifted the kids in the car before climbing in myself after them. I got in the back and buckled both of them in before moving back to the middle.

"Alright buckle up, first stop the hotel," the driver says.

"Okay ready," I say pulling the strap across my waist.

"Mwiss Taywlor, will we see the oceawn?" Phoenix asks from the back seat.

"Yeah, we're gonna spend a whole day out there," I smile at her.

"Cawn we go swimmwing in it?" Fin asks eagerly pulling on his car seat straps.

"Yeah, it'll be really fun," I say.

"Yay!" Phoenix cheers, which Fin gladly joins in.

"Yeah, first we need to go the hotel," I say.

"What's a hotwel?" Phoenix asks.

"It's a place where people who don't own a place there stay on vacation," I try to explain.

"What's a vacawin?" Fin asks.

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