9: I Don't Think I Wanna Know

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Finley's POV

I hurry and wait by the door after getting dressed again. We're going out to see our surprise.

I'm wearing crocs and tan pants and a green shirt. Phoenix has pink pants and a white shirt and she's wearing sandals. Miss Taylor's wear a white dress and sandals. Miss Taylor grabs her purse and takes my hand before leading us out the door. We walk down to the elevator and press the down arrow before stepping in. My stomach flips as we ride down in the elevator, it feels funny but I like it. The elevator goes ding ding and we step out.

Phoenix and I get in the car before getting strapped in our car seats. Miss Taylor gets in a little after us. She was talking to the people she calls fans and Paparazzi.

I look out the window as we drive to our surprise. Phoenix fell asleep on the way but I was too excited to sleep. I was excited to see the surprise, I hope it's a good surprise because I've never had a surprise. I barely get presents let alone a surprise.

"Okay, we're here," Miss Taylor says getting her purse and looking back at us. She steps back and unbuckles me. I jump out of the car while Miss Taylor gets Phoenix. I think she tried not to wake her but accidentally did so. Phoenix likes to sleep so when someone wakes her up she tends to cry.

Taylor's POV

"Shh, shh, Phoenix, Phoenix, shh, you're alright," I say trying to calm the crying toddler.

"Mwiss Taywlor, Phoenwix down't liwke to be up," Finley tells me when he climbs out of the car.

"Thank you Fin," I smile at his silly comment.

"Awre we gonnwa gwo gwet our surprwise?" he asks.

"Yeah, we are. Can you say surprise?" I ask.

"Sur-prwise!" he yells.

"Surprise," I say slower.

"Sur-prwise," he screams.

"Okay, shh, com'n we're late," I laugh taking his hand. We walk into Toys-R-Us and I get a buggy that'll hold both kids. Finley insists to sit in the basket part, but I strap Phoenix in the part where kids are actually suppose to be.

We meet all three of the families that came out for my video shoot. Then I explain one of their many rewards.

"Alright, so I'm gonna give you free choice and free price range on one thing of your choice. everyone can choose one thing. Okay?" I say.

"Even the adults?" one of the dads ask.

"Yeah if you want," I answer.

"Okay," he laughs.

"Now begin, I do think it'd be easier if you guys would put the stuff in the buggy so I can keep track of everything," I say getting a few laughs back from the parents.

Everyone splits up throughout the TOYS-R-US. Older kids go through the electronics. The younger ones through the Lego stuff and dolls.

I'm pretty sure I walked out of there with about a $100,000 less in my bank account.


Today I've got a half day out on the water with Toby before we head back to Nashville tomorrow morning. I lay in bed dreading the next three minutes because that's how much earlier I woke up compared to my alarm. Sighing, knowing I'd have to get up eventually I pull back the covers and climb out of the warm sheets. I look over at the kids to see them peacefully sleeping all wrapped up in the warm sheets and cuddled with their new blankets and stuffed animals. (Lamby or Kitty), I brought them a few weeks ago. All the cuteness and adorable drool wiped on the side of their faces or the tattered hair from a sleepy mess. I couldn't help but take a photos or a few hundred.

I set my phone down and jump in the shower. When I get out the kids are still asleep which is good cause we were up late. I throw on a pair of skinny jeans and a short sleeved shirt because it was a little foggy and cloudy outside.

Then I get everything ready for the day. Clothes, snacks, coats, shoes, entertainment, and last but not least the kids. I just let them be in their pajamas.

"Mwiss Taylor, can we go yet?" Phoenix says.

"Yeah hold on, let's put your shoes on," I say setting two pairs of shoes and shoes in front of them.

"Okay," Phoenix says sitting down to put on her socks just before putting her shoes on the wrong foot.

"Here let me help you," I say laughing and kneeling down and removing her shoes to place them on the right feet. Finley was still struggling with his socks.

After both kids had their shoes on correctly, I pull open the door and we head down to pick up some breakfast we can eat during the long car ride to the ocean or lake. I honestly can't remember.

I get two boxes of cereal and two cups of yogurt for later. For the kids one Belgium waffle, fruit and some eggs to split. For myself, I grab some eggs and a piece of toast. After eating we head out the hotel door but not before saying goodbye to the other families that came out. I'm so grateful for them. They literally dragged their families out to Portland, Maine for me.


After the long car ride with the cranky toddlers in the backseat, we finally pulled up to the gorgeous shore. I unbuckled the kids in the back before opening the car door. I lifted Phoenix up from under her armpits because she was slightly shivering and looked like she could sleep on the ground.

She gently laid her head on my shoulder as I took Fin's hand to try and calm his excitement of the water.

We shot the scene about a dozen times to capture each angle we wanted. But I had to paddle the little canoe or raft or whatever it's called out there. Turns out even though Toby's from England he doesn't know how to row a boat.

After we wrapped, I took Finley and Phoenix out a little ways in the water. It's hard to keep them both in the boat because I was the only adult in the boat. They keep tipping the boat when trying to touch the water after I specifically told them no. It's like a moth going towards the light.


We ended the night with a celebratory dinner. In celebration of wrapping, Toby, Rowan and some of the crew came to Chili's with us.

The kids kept talking about how they've been in a movie. And when someone would ask them who was also in the movie they'd point to Toby and I. It was really adorable to see them react to the video shoot. They tried to tell the waiter but talking with a mouth full doesn't really work.

When we got back to the hotel room, I gave them both a bath and got them in a clean diaper and pajamas. They both fell asleep about an hour ago.

Now I'm laying in my bed underneath the warm sheets thinking about what happens next. I never really thought of this. Do the kids just go back to Orphanage and we never speak again? Or do I see them periodically. Or maybe they get adopted by some nice family and I never see them again? I don't know what happens next. And I don't think I wanna know.


Thank for reading.


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