6: Preprations

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Taylor's POV

I wake up and quickly get dressed in a blue jean skirt and a black shirt. Next I apply simple makeup which I'll probably redo later for the shoot.

After that, I decided to make the kids both sippy cups of milk, plus pack their little backpacks we brought for them. I loaded the bags with two sets of clothes and a few toys.

I set their backpacks, the diaper bag, and my purse by the hotel door. Next I go to wake up Fin, then Phoenix. I get him to drink his milk. I had security run down and fill about six cups of milk for me. Phoenix not so much. She wasn't much of a morning person.

She was wrapped in her blanket while her head in the crook of my neck trying to go back to sleep.

"Hey, Phoenix are you awake?" I say playing a little with her. "Okay, well I'm gonna set you down."

I go to set her down causing her to kick and scream and burst in to tears.

"Ohh, Phoenix, it's not your morning, come'n it's okay. You're okay," I say picking her back up from under the armpits. Again she snuggles in to my neck.

"Phoenwix it otay," Fin tries.

"See brother says it's okay, look you're okay," I say rubbing her back. She eventually calms down but doesn't want to get down. So plan b, also known as the hard way. I grab my purse and diaper bag putting it on my left shoulder, while my right hip had Phoenix. I slip the small backpacks in the diaper bag, before taking Fin's hand and hauling them down to breakfast. The new thing today is hauling the blankets everywhere, lovely isn't it. We almost lost one in the hall and one at breakfast.

After a quickly breakfast of eggs and Belgium waffle, we set out to the car. Same module of the other car and security had already put the car seats in. They safety got us all to the car. Phoenix had a hissy fix over detaching from me but she'll have to live with it, I'm trying to protect her from the paparazzi.


We pull up to the house and wait for someone to let us in. We're actually not filming here today but it's a starting point for the woods.

"Mwiss Taylor, I have batwman on my jamwies," Fin says pointing to his shirt.

"Yeah, you do," I smile at him.

I change the kids into clean diapers and day clothes. Yeah hard to believe the kids haven't been potty trained.

"Alright now time for bug spray, there's a lot of them," I say spraying it on my hands and wiping them down with it.

We head out to meet Rowan.

"Ello! Taylor," he says when we find him hiding in the car.

"Hi!" Fin pipes up.

"Hello to you little sir, are these the kids you told me about?" He asks opening the door and getting out.

"Yeah, this is Fin, and that's Phoenix," I say.

"Well, Phoenix will be in the birthday scene but nothing else, Fin will be in a bit more," he says.

"Alright, the rest of the families fly in tomorrow," I say.

"Perfect, we'll need two days for just the woods, Cafe, wedding, considering all the setups we have," he says.

"Alright, what do we need to do?" I ask.

"If Fin's camera ready he can go get pictures taken over there, you need to go to hair and makeup real quick to name some adjustments and get changed. Phoenix can just roam free, I guess," he explains.

"Okay, Fin, you go over there to that lady to get your picture taken, Phoenix and I are gonna go get ready," I say after pointing out our camera lady.

"Otay," he runs over to her happily bouncing along.

"We get reawdy?" Phoenix asks.

"Yup, let's go see," I say carrying her over to the table.

I get changed in the bathroom of the house once it's open. It's a white knee length dress. My hair's in its natural curls and makeup is just redone to look nicer.

"You look very prewtty," Phoenix says.

"Thank you, you do too," I say bopping her nose.

"Thwank you," she smiles showing her teeth.

"Your welcome," I say lifting her out of the chair.

"Loowk, loowk," Fin comes running up to me and showing me a picture of him.

"You look very handsome, now can you give it to that guy?" I say pointing the guy who was currently hanging the pictures up.

"Here you go," he says handing it to the guy on the ladder.

"Thank you little guy," he says after tying a piece of white string to it.

"Youwr welcome," Fin smiles up at him.

"Taylor we need you at pictures, the kids can follow me around," Rowan shouts.

The kids did exactly that they followed him like little shadows.

After pictures the filming began.

Thanks for reading! Thanks for all the support you guys give me, I feel so blessed!

CQ: Would it rather be the center of attention OR a shadow?

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