13: Mama

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Taylor's POV

"Hello this is Taylor Swift and I was wondering what the age for adopting a child is?" I ask.

"Twenty one," she lady says.

"What about fostering?" I ask.

"Twenty and six months," she says.

"Okay thank you," I say.

"Your welcome," she says hanging up.

"Ughhh," I say out loud, looking over at my new cat. Yes, I brought an adorable cat but I really want the kids. Well I want both but so far I'm only allow to have the cat. I'm fighting my publicist and my management, and now the legal people. Why can't I have them?

"Well I'm twenty and nine months, so why don't I sign up to foster than adopt right," I think.

"Mere, what do you think about fostering?" I say.

"Meow, meow," she purrs.

"Okay I understand you're hungry," I say getting up from the computer.

After feeding the cat, I type into the search bar, "USA foster care requirements." I click on the most legal looking website.

It says I need a home visit, financial support, placement, references of people, foster license, take these classes, and some more stuff. Which should take about six months.

Six whole months! That'll never get approved. I'll be on tour than and no one in this world would ever approve.

I call Abigail in desperate help. She answers on the first ring.

"Hey, what's up?" She says.

"Hey, I need you to help me," I say.

"Okay what's wrong?" She says worried.

"So you remember those kids I brought with me to Maine for the music video?" I ask.

"Yeah, Phoenix and Finley," she says.

"Yeah, I want them. I wanna adopt them but I'm not old enough. The only time age has ever stopped me," I complain.

"I'm sorry," she says.

"I just want them so bad," I complain.

"You sure you're ready?" She says.

"Yeah," I say.

"Okay, the faster you start the process the fast you can adopt them," she says.

"It'll take longer to foster them than it will to adopt them," I say.

"Well you have three months or how long to foster?" She asks.

"Like six months just to sign up, and I might not even get them," I say.

"Well of course you'll get get them but by then you can adopt them, just keep them in your grasp and adopt them in three months," Abigail says.

"But what if someone else adopts them first?" I ask.

"They're three?" She asks.

"Yeah, young enough to be in high interest of adoption," I say.

"Oh, talk to the care giver and say you're in the process of adopting, it's like three months?" She says.

"Yeah, I'll call miss Ellie. When are you in town next?" I ask.

"Thanksgiving," she answers.

"Okay I'll see if I'm around," I say.

"Bye, Miss Taylor, love you," she jokes.

"Goodbye miss Abigail love you too," I say hanging up. "Alright Mere, let's call Miss Ellie, after the tour meeting," I say going to the bathroom.

After a warm shower, I throw on a light brown knit sweater, dark brown scarf, dark skinny jeans, and a white beanie. Grabbing my purse and phone, I lock the door and head down to the car.


"Okay thank you, thank you," I say hanging up with my publicist. She said no, but she don't control my life she just controls my public life.

I need a private life and the kids are it.

I call miss Ellie.

"Hello, Taylor?" She answers.

"Yes, I want Finley and Phoenix but I'm three months short can you like save them for me. I really want them," I say short of breath.

"Taylor, I'll give you five months then the kids are moving to a foster home in Knoxville," Miss Ellie explains.

"Okay, five months, I'll start the process ASAP, how can I start?" I ask.

"Call CPS and I'll get in contact with their social workers," she says.

"Okay will you tell their social workers, wait workers as in plural? Do siblings each have their own?" I ask.

"Taylor they aren't biologically related. Miss M was a terrible lady and put them together as if they were siblings. Phoenix's birth certificate was dug up and her parents are dead and she's at least a year younger but she's pushed to be older. She's turning three in November. And Fin turns four in November. She probably would have been adopted by now if she wasn't grouped with Fin. The siblings group slowed them down personally," she says.

"Wait so Fin was found around one and her as a baby baby?" I ask.

"Yeah her mom died giving birth, and father committed suicide. Fin's parents have drug problems and were pretty young. That's why he has ADHD. But not a high case. He gets anger easily but I've been working with him on it," she explains.

"Alright," I answered shocked.

"You still want them right?" She says.

"Yeah, of course I do," I answer.

"Okay good we'll be in contact, don't worry in a short three months you'll be called mama," she says.

"Thanks goodbye," I hang up.

I make some mac and cheese with chicken for dinner.

Climbing in my bed that night and closing my eyes. I can just dream of hearing that name coming from a small body.


Thanks for reading.

Fin and Phoenix? Age gap!?

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