11: Goodbye Miss Taylor

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Taylor's POV

I set all five bags by the door before checking to make sure I've found everything out from under the bed.

After reaching for a little lamb out from under the bed, I turn off the tv.

"Hey-y," Fin says in an annoyed voice.

"Hey-y let's go," I say stuffing the lamb in my suitcase.

"Otay, Phoenix, we neewd to go," Fin says getting off the bed and putting on his backpack.

"I comwing, I comwing," she says getting her backpack.

"Alright, lets go," I say opening the door.

Surprising enough I got the kids, bathed, dressed, fed, with shoes on and hair done, all in 90 minutes.

We head downstairs to the front door to get a ride to the airport with security. The kid love them, and security has been so sweet to them. It works perfectly.


After our long flight on a commercial airplane, I lift Phoenix on my hip and gather our things. My head of security helps Fin gather his stuff because they were sitting across the aisle together. We all make it off the plane before parting ways. The kids and I say multiple thank you's and I make sure each person got their letter stuffed in their present. I had to get them something because dealing with me and toddlers aren't what my label pays them to do.

Then I take the kids down to baggage claim to get our suitcases. There I meet my Mom who gladly greets the kids. We race out to the car and pile in. My mom starts driving us to my apartment because the kids don't have to be back until tomorrow.

"Are we in nashwille?" Phoenix asks referring to a conversation we had on the plane explaining what Nashville is and where it is.

"Yeah we are," I say glancing back at her.

"Mwiss Swift," Fin says.

"Yeah? Finley," my mom answers.

"I wanna show you my backpack," he says.

"Okay, well can show me when we get to Taylor's," my mom says smiling.

We pull in the parking garage and hop out. Unloading the bags and children all at once.

Running to greet the doorman and hit the button first, Phoenix and Fin were sprinting inside. While my mom and I followed them close enough to keep them in our sights.

We make it to my apartment and stepping in and inhaling the smell of home made chicken Alfredo.

"Mwiss Taywlor, can I have my backpack? Plwease?" Fin asks.

"Yeah, it's in my suitcase," I say.

"Otay," he says running over to it and opening it. He quickly pulls out the bag and runs to my mom who was in the kitchen reheating the food she had put in the refrigerator.

"Look, look it's Batman," Fin yells shoving it in her face. I go over and take over the reheating while the kids show here all their toys and clothes.

"Yeah, Phoenix who's that?" My mom says pointing to one of the Disney princesses.

"It's Snow White," she says happily.

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