A Kind of Beast

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Westan grumbled and opened his eyes slowly. Another loud knock came at the door. Was it morning already?

He grumbled again and put a pillow over his face, resolved to ignore the disturbance. He did not want to get up today. But another knock came, then another, and another. Westan yawned with irritation and looked towards his window once more. By the look of the rays of sunlight leaking through his curtains, it was in fact nearly noon.

"My King, Zaccheus has sent me to fetch you right away!" The servant outside his door said loudly.

Westan sighed. Why did he have to be bothered so early? Could this not wait a little longer? He really did not want to get up today!

"What does he want?" He snapped.

"You shall be late for your studies sire!" The man outside replied.

Westan groaned. Why did Zaccheus always insist on trying to make him waste the day away with studying? He hated such tiresome work! He much preferred to spend his time outside in the sun ridding his horses or practicing his swordplay. Though he would not get to enjoy such pursuits today it seemed. These so called studies kept taking up all his time...

"Very well, come in," Westan grumbled miserably, too tired to expend any more energy resisting.

At his word, several of his servants immediately entered his room. They started opening his drapes, preparing his bath, and laying out his royal garments. Westan took his sweet time getting ready, hoping to stall the day as long as possible. When he finally finished getting dressed he put on his father's old crown before looking in the mirror at his appearance.

Westan sighed. He was almost nineteen now, and with each passing year he resembled his father more and more. He even had his same black hair and brown eyes, although he thought that his face shape resembled his mother more. It had been almost nine years since his parents' assassination, but it still felt as though they had died just yesterday. He missed them both terribly, especially on loathsome days like this. He often reminisced of when he was young, how he had spent most of his time at the castle's nursery so that the King and Queen could focus on their royal duties. Still, they each made time to see him every day without fail. This was a very unusual custom, especially for a powerful and busy royal couple. His father had even allowed him to join them for supper and special occasions when Westan was only eight years old, although most nobles only let their children come to supper or be seen at court after at about sixteen years of age! His father never feared breaking such traditions when it came to him, and Westan had always been touched by that. How he wished they were still here with him, instead of these useless servants he had to deal with every day who cared nothing for him! Life just wasn't fair.

After a moment, a servant came and stood before him with a bow.

"My Lord, Zaccheus instructed me to say that he wants you to behave yourself. Your new tutors seem to be lacking in your presence."

Westan just scoffed, irritated by the nerve of this man's message.

"If the teacher is lacking, that is no concern of mine! Tell them to shape up, not me!" He growled.

He did not like being bossed around by his council man, especially with regards to his kingly duties! Although, Westan usually tried not to be too difficult towards him. Zaccheus had in fact been the only one there to protect him when his parents were attacked, and nowadays he was almost like an uncle to him. For these reasons he put up with that man's constant rules and regulations, knowing that he truly only had his best interests at heart.

Once dressed and properly groomed Westan finally felt ready to leave. The servants all bowed and exited the room before him, followed by the messenger.

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