The Adventure Begins

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Lila sank to the ground with a sigh as she returned to her own room. She knew her father feared for her safety, and for a good reason. Everyone in the whole kingdom knew the young King was said to be unstable, cruel, and unpredictable. He had a reputation for punishing people over any little thing and even tossed his own servants into the dungeon. However, she preferred not to worry over such things, else her conviction might falter. Instead, she focused on the prospects of actually earning enough money to save her father, and that of traveling. Lila had never even been beyond the boundaries of Mirth's small countryside, so this job opportunity was truly beyond anything she could have ever imagined. It was almost a little exciting in its own way!

If only her father had not gotten sick, then none of this would be necessary. They wouldn't be so deeply indebted if not for his expensive medicine and trips to the doctor. Unfortunately, that was their reality though, and there was nothing else for her to do but accept this well-paying job in order to make their ends meet. Not that Lila was in the least bit afraid of the castle or its rumored dangers. Rarely anything scared her like the thought of losing her father to his illness. Ever since her mother had passed away when she was a young girl, it had just been the two of them. Their days on the farm were often long and strenuous, with many hardships and toils to deal with, yet over the years they had also enjoyed many laughs and joys, with every memory feeling precious to her. She simply was not ready to let him die without a proper fight!

That night her father helped her pack a travel bag with anything a girl could need. Some food for the trip, a clean change of clothes, and some favorite keepsakes to remind her of home. He also insisted that she take what little money they had left in case she decided to abandon the job and return home. She accepted it, though only to appease him. Lila also arranged for their good neighbor Maryann, to watch over her father and provide anything he needed in her absence. The woman had agreed, as she was always very kind and supportive of their family in times. Lila sensed that she seemed to care especially for her father, although he never came to realize it. Honestly, Maryann was the closest thing she knew to a mother. She was so grateful for all the kindness she had shown over the years, and most especially now. Perhaps one day when her father recovered he might realize that woman's unwavering affections.

Over the next two days Lila finished up any work around the house she could, then prepared herself for the adventure ahead. She lay awake in bed that night thinking of the next morning. She wondered what the castle would look like, or how a simple country girl like her was going to fare in a lavish castle. Surely it must be a very big place with lots of people, would she even be able to fit in? Would she be able to handle the job assigned her? Would she be able earn enough to pay off their debts and buy her father's medicine before he got any worse? She had no idea, though she supposed that worrying like this would do little good in the end. Eventually she closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep.

The next morning Lila rose early, having slept very little. Before the sun even came up, she fixed her father some food and started getting ready. He insisted on leaving his bed and coming to the door to see her off, with Maryann soon joining them, bringing with her a small wrapped gift.

"Thank you Maryann. I do not know what we would do without you right now!" Lila said honestly.

The woman smiled and gave her a hug. "I only wish I had been able to loan you the money instead."

Lila smiled. "You need not worry yourselves, I am going to be just fine!"

"Just be careful dear Lila. Leo here will never forgive you if you should get into trouble," Maryann replied with concern.

She nodded. "I will be back before either of you can even miss me!"

Her father grunted and folded his arms with aggravation. Lila just smiled and gave him another big hug and kiss.

"Take care of yourself as well father, so that your illness will fade and I can return to you sooner," She whispered.

He sighed and wrapped his arms around her tightly, almost taking her breath away with his embrace.

"I love you, very much my dear," He said quietly.

Lila had to fight back tears her tears in order to avoid worrying him any more than he already had. "I love you too father."

"My dear you will miss the carriage if you do not hurry!" Maryann said gently.

Lila gave them both one last hug, and then quickly made her way towards the village station. She ran in the gloom of the early morning, and her father watched from the door until she could no longer be seen. It was only after he was no longer in her sight that she finally let a few tears fall.

She reached the station just as the sun was starting to shine bright orange. Many people stood there already waiting, probably lured in by the same prospect as her. Usually simple country folk were not sought out to work for the royal family, but since the King was especially frightful, it seemed it was not easy to find workers among areas where better opportunities existed. Lila looked among the crowd to see if she could spot any familiar faces. She felt a little relieved when she did not, happy that none of her neighbors were in the same dire situation as her family.

But then, just as Lila was looking over the people again, she caught sight of the most beautiful girl she had ever seen, and surely the most beautiful girl in the whole entire world. She had a heart shaped face, bright blonde hair, big violet eyes, and perfectly tanned skin. Lila suddenly fidgeted in her spot, feeling a bit self-conscious. She often became this way when standing near such pretty girls, because she knew her own looks were quite plain in comparison. She simply did not like to be judged by onlookers.

A man soon approached their group and blew a horn to get everyone's attention. Then another man came over and stood up on a stool in front of them. He started calling out names for people to step forward and present themselves. When each person walked up, he gave them their contract, which they needed in order to work at the castle. He then directed them to a coach. When one carriage was full, he sent it off and started loading another. Eventually Lila heard her name being called. She walked up and saw that those standing around looked quite frightened, even terrified. So when she reached the man she took the contract from him without showing any signs of fear or apprehension. The man smiled at her with admiration and directed her to a seat within a nearby carriage. Five more people were crammed inside the small coach before it was sent off. But much to Lila's dismay, the most beautiful girl in the world happened to be sitting right across from her.

She sighed quietly. So much for avoiding the inevitable comparison between the two of them! Perhaps she could just try to pass the time and avoid any awkwardness by focusing on the scenery outside...

Hours creeped by quietly as the carriage slowly made its way through the countryside. No one spoke a single word, probably out of sheer nervousness, but Lila hardly noticed it as she busied herself admiring the beautiful farms, hills, and creeks that were passing them by. Gam was often praised for its fertile land and lush fields, with no other Kingdom even coming close in comparison with its wealth and prosperity. It was no wonder the Kingdom and royal family flourished so greatly in the span of just two hundred years! Lila for her part favored the views Gam afforded more than anything else. It was early summer so the flowers were in bloom, the birds were singing, and there was a wide variety of lovely butterflies flying around. This was an absolute perfect way to start the season!

Lila tried to keep track of how far they were traveling as the carriage passed one familiar landmark after another. When they finally crossed over the Lana river, she was as far away from home as she had ever been before. For a brief moment, she felt quite anxious about it all. Yet with a bit of determination the excitement overcame her fears. This journey was truly a once in a lifetime experience for a country bumpkin like her! She would do her best to enjoy it to the fullest while she could. Hopefully it would turn out to be a grand experience indeed.

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