A Kind of Beauty

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Lila stopped dead in her tracks and carefully read the sign again. Then she smiled, a surge of excitement flowing through her. It was a beautiful day in her hometown Mirth, a small village east of the Lana River. Today the farmers could be heard talking and selling their goods in the market. The herds of cows, pigs, and sheep in the nearby fields were loud and often drowned out the marketplace. Out here in the countryside such sights and sounds were common, but as of today there was something new happening in the village square. A royal contractor from the castle had come, and he was offering people the job of a lifetime.

Lila walked passed the sign and approached the elegant stall hesitantly. She saw a man inside sitting next to a tall stack of papers, while another man stood outside shouting to those passing by. She took a moment to listen to his announcement carefully.

"We are seeking the most skilled men and women in all the land to come and serve in the royal castle. Come and serve His Highness!" He repeated loudly.

Lila smiled once more. It was just as she thought! These men were offering a good paying job to anyone interested, male or female, young or old! This was just what she needed. She took a deep breath and slowly walked up to man inside the booth. He was busy writing something down on a large scroll.

"Hello, good Sir!" She said quietly.

The man stopped what he was doing and looked up to face her. His skin was very pale and his eyes had dark bags under them, as if he had not been in the sun or slept in years. Still, he gave a friendly smile and tipped his hat to her.

"Oh hello! Have you come to accept a contract?" He asked.

"Yes I have," She replied.

The man nodded. "Very good milady!"

He then grabbed a paper from off of the tall pile next to him and handed it to her.

"Just sign your name here," He said, showing her the fancy dotted line.

Lila took the paper and signed it with her best writing. Then she held it up with pride and smiled. This was just so amazing! She could never have imagined such an amazing opportunity like this would come her way!

She gave the paper back to the man. He rolled it up, tied it with a ribbon, and placed it in a new pile of similar scrolls.

"The carriage will pick you up along with the others in two days. When you arrive at the station, you will be given back the contract. After you reach the castle, you will present it to the administrators there," He instructed.

"Thank you, Sir!" Lila said with growing excitement.

The man smiled and tipped his hat again. "Not a problem, lass! Good-day to you."

She nodded back and then turned and headed back home. She was so eager to tell her father the great news that she ran the whole way there. The sun setting in the distance cast an orange hue along the road surrounding her, causing even the fields nearby to glow in its light. Lila admired the lovely view as she crossed over the little creek leading to her family's farm.

Beauty, it was such an odd thing. It was subjective to opinions and preferences, to people's own thoughts and desires. Yet surely sights such as this were considered lovely even to the most critical of people. Lila knew a thing or two of beauty, like that she held none in herself. Her hair had always been orange like the sun and untamed like the weeds, coupled with dull grey eyes and freckle covered skin. Indeed, she was not pretty by anyone's standards, except to her father of course, who often said she perfectly reflected the features of her late mother.

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