Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

(Sapphire's POV)

I was asleep yet I feel so awake and it is one of the strangest expiercences ever! All of a sudden there was a blue mist of some sort, the color was so beautiful like the color of sapphires. "Sapphire it is finally time," A beautiful, majestic voice said. I looked all around yet I saw nobody...creepy. All of a sudden a beautiful woman appeared wearing a flowing blue dress with blonde hair that had sapphire blue streaks randomly placed throughout it. Her eyes where sapphire like mine and her skin was pale but not ghostly pale and I could tell she wasn't human because no human can be that beautiful. "Sapphire the time has come, it is finally time for you to receive the gift." She told me as she was placed on the ground since she was floating before. "Not to ruin the moment or anything but who the hell are you?" I ask her trying my best not to sound rude. She laughs at me then she says, "I am Stella, guardian of the sapphire moon." I look at her confused. "Ok thats cool and all but why are you in my dream...if this is even a dream." I tell her, mumbling the last part more to my self then her and again she laughs. "I can see you are confused but would you like me to explain?" I give her a look that says 'no shit sherlock' and she just laughes again...what is with her and laughing? "You my dear are the owner of the sapphire moon." She tells me as I register what she had just said. "Why me? Why have I been choosen to receive this gift? What does it even do?" I dump all these questions on her and she just stands there waiting for me to finish. "You are strong, smart, and will be able to have the power with out going power mad. You were also born on a blue moon and you are part of a great proficy." She tells me and suddently a wooden box appears in her hands. It is old and on the top is enscribbed what looks to be the words 'blue moon' in lattin. "You will learn the powers and how to control them." She tells me and opens the box to reveal a necklace with a sapphire shapped cresent moon on it and it was litterly glowing blue. "This necklace doesn't contain the actually powers it just completes them and if this necklace falls into the wrong hands then it could give them your powers. Be carefull my dear, I will see you soon." She says as she reaches into the box to take the necklace from it and puts it in my hand and disappears leaving me feeling bewildered and curious about what the future has in store for me.

(Jace's POV)

I went back downstairs to finish watching the movie, I don't really want to leave Sapphire alone upstairs but I think she just needs rest, plus being with her might make her over heat and since I don't know if she is sick or not I don't want to risk the chances of my angel getting any worse. I sat down on the couch next to Brent and started to get sucked into the movie, what can I say Pirates of the Carribian is a kick ass movie. Even though I love this movie it is really hard to concentrate on it because I can't help but be worried about my angel who is lying in bed upstairs.

(Sapphire's POV)

I woke up feeling alittle bit better but the weird part was that I felt more powerful like someone had took a big jar of power and dumped it on me, I know its so strange. I looked down and gasped when I saw the necklace from my dream hanging around my neck, still glowing blue. So it must be real, I mean I always new that I would some how be a special wolf. I shifted way earlier than I was suppost to and even have the tatto for special wolves. All this new information was making me feel a little dizzy and my headache was coming back so I just decided that it was probuably the best idea to sleep. As soon as my head hit the pillow I drifted into a dreamless sleep yet I still had one question on my mind, what exactly is the sapphire moon?


***Author's Note***

Hello my cookies( what I call my fans) I hope you are enjoying my books. Don't forget to FAN VOTE COMMENT AND READ! Don't be silent I want to hear from you guys, the more VOTES COMMENTS FANS AND READS I get from you guys the more I upload and the faster I will upload. LUV YAH!