Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

(Sapphire's POV)

I woke up to feel arms around my waist and to smell blueberry pancakes, my all time favorite breakfast food. I opened my eyes and struggled to get out of the arms that were holding me down, keeping me from my blueberry pancakes. WAIT! WHY ARE THERE ARMS AROUND MY WAIT! Then I felt the tingles and electricity from the stranger's touch and memories from last night flooded back to me. Jace stayed over last night, the meeting, Sam finding her mate, and everything else. I turned over so I was facing Jace's chest and started to place butterfly kisses all over his face. I felt him stirr in his sleep and then him open his eyes showing me his beautiful green eyes and when they focused on me he pulled me down for a long, slow, gentle kiss full of love and passion.

(Jace's POV)

When Sapphire pulled away from the kiss she jumped off the bed and went to get dressed. I pulled on the extra clothes I had brought will me yesterday: a pair of black basketball shorts with white strippes, a navy blue shirt, and some addidas.

Ten minutes later Sapphire came out of the bathroom in a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a grey short sleeved v neck, and a pair of navy blue converse. I noticed that her hair was in a ponytail but her bangs were still down, I smiled and grabbed her hand. "Come on they made blueberry pancakes!" She practically shouts and runs through the door, dragging me down the stairs into the kitchen where 8 pairs of eyes watched as Sapphire let go of my hand, sat down, and started eating the blueberry pancakes like she hasn't eaten in years. I take a seat next to a sleepy looking Brent who was watching Sapphire with amusemnt and a knowing smile on his face. I lean in and whisper in his ear, "Sapphire loves blueberry pancakes, they are her all time favorite." I nod and go back to watching my mate shovel pancakes into her mouth like there was no tomorrow. She must have finally felt our stares because she looked up with a mouth full of pancake and tried to say "What?", but it came out as "Whmaut?" and we all started laughing. Sapphire just gave us an 'what the heck are you laughing at? you must be crazy' face and went back to eating her beloved pancakes which only made us laugh harder. Our laughter stopped as we heard someone clear there throat, we all look towards the stairs to see...

(Sapphire's POV)

Everyone stoppes laughing when they hear someone clear their throat. They all look towards the stairs to see a very sleepy, dishelved Ed standing there. His multi colored hair was sticking up in every direction, he was wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and a crumpled navy blue shirt that you could tell was slept in. He walked towards the table with a scowl on his face while senting death glares to everyone. His light brown eyes look sleepy and he looks like he could drop onto the floor and fall asleep any second. He sits down and continues to glare at everyone for a whole minute, making everyone uncomforable while I just watch in amusement. After the minutes over he starts to yell at everyone. "WHY IN THE WORLD WERE YOU LAUGHING SO LOUD YOU WOKE ME UP AND ITS ONLY...," he looks at the clock and his eyes nearly pop out of his head when he sees the time, "...9:10 IN THE MORNING! ITS WAY TO EARLY WHY IS EVERYONE LAUGHING THIS EARLY!! HOLD UP! WHY IS EVERYONE UP THIS EARLY! WHAT WAS SO FUNNY THAT YOU HAD TO LAUGH THAT LOUD WAKING ME UP...." He never got to finish his sentence because he saw the plate of blueberry pancakes in front of him. "Ohh pancakes!" He practicly squealed and starts eating them while everyone starts to laugh but soon stops when they see the death glare his is giving them. Everyone was sitting in complete silence, but not any kind of akward silence and I hate akward silences. Akward silences are just so...akward, so I decided to break it. "Wow Ed that was so manley of you." I jokingly say referring to when he practicley squealed over the pancakes. "I know right babe, it must turn you on." Ed said with a wink, playing along with the joke, I mean we always jokingly flirt with each other but he is like my brother. I hear a faint growl which I know is coming from Jace, but me being me decided to not let Jace ruin our fun. " It does babe it just turns me on so much, I could take you right now. Ed, baby I want you so much." I said with a wink and blew him a kiss. Ed stood up and walked over to me. "Lets go to my room." He said flirtactously while I stood up but before be could even take my hand I saw a blur of something pass us and then I felt arms wrap around my waist sending the some what familiar electric shocks, letting me know it was Jace. I looked up and saw his eyes were turning into a darker shade of green and he started shaking from anger. "YOU WILL TAKE HER NO WHERE. SHE IS MINE! MINE!!" Jace said using his alpha voice he got from his alpha genes. I turned around and hugged Jace and then planted a soft peck on his lips and went back to hugging him, trying to calm him down. Once he calmed down he hugged me back tight. "It's ok Jace, Ed is like a brother to me and we just do that all the time ok?" I said soothingly while drawing circles on his back. "Yeah man, we just like to play around and joke with each other like that I would never try to take her from you. It would be like kissing my sister,eww." He said and shivered from discuist. I looked back and glared at him and he held his hands up in defect and slowly stepped backwards til he was half way to the stairs and ran up them. A half a minute later Ed ran back down and grabbed his plate of pancakes while I glared at him. "" He said stutturing uncomfortabley under the daggers I was shooting at him. Everyone including me started laughing while he ran up the stairs, running for his life. We finished our breakfast and went to our rooms but Jace and I decided to go for a run.

(Jace's POV)

We walked out to the woods that was behind Sapphire's house. "I will be right back." Sapphire said as she ran behind a tree to change. I stripped of my clothes and put them in a pile and began to shift. It was fast and painless since werewolves get use to the feeling. My wolf is midnight black with piercing green eyes. I wonder if Sapphire's wolf will be black like her hair or maybe... I wasn't able to finish my thought because a silver wolf with the most beautiful piercing sapphire blue eyes came out from behind the tree and I knew it was my Sapphire. I ran up to her and started rubbing myself against her, putting my scent all over her letting everyone know that she is mine. After I finished she started to run and I chased her and after a few minutes we were at a small waterfall with a small river that could be classified as a pool since the waterfall wasn't directly connected to it but it had sand at the bottom making it a river. I pinned Sapphire down and we spent the rest of the afternoon playing, running, and chasing each other in our wolf forms.

(Sapphire's POV)

We had gotten dressed and now Jace and I are walking hand in hand back to the house. When we get inside we walk upstairs and I was about to drag him to my room but then I heard yelling from Zak's room. We walk inside to see Zak and Danni fighting while Sam, Cole, Brent, Chase, Ed, and Ruby sitting and eating popcorn. I run over to the bed and jump down next to Brent. Brent passes me the popcorn without even looking at me he is to ingaged in the fight. "What are they fighting about?" I whisper to Brent. "toilet paper," Brent says back in a whisper. "Ohh ok...wait TOILET PAPER BUT THEY DON'T EVEN SHARE A BATHROOM!" I whisper shout in his ear so know one will hear. *Yah but they don't know that* Brent says with a little chuckle in my mind. "Ok," I say and continue to watch them. "STOP USING SO MUCH TOILET PAPER!! ITS BAD FOR THE ENVIROMENT." Zak shouts at Danni. "I USE A REGULAR AMOUNT OF TOILET PAPER AND SINCE WHEN DO YOU CARE ABOUT THE ENVIROMENT!" Danni shouts back at him. I love Danni and Zak they fight over the randomest things like last month they fought over the toaster, saying to each other that the other broke it but in reality it wasn't even plugged in it was so funny! "YOU'RE RIGHT I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE ENVIROMENT!" Zak shouts and I can tell that the best part is coming up. "FUGDE TATTOE!" Danni shouts randomely, this is my favorite part. They fight, Danni says something random, then they go back to fighting, and it repeats. Once they fought for 10 hours we went through 40 bags of popcorn and felt so sick afterwards. I look at Jace who was sitting next to Chase eating popcorn while they discuissed who was going to win. Life is so good right now!