Chapter 5

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James' POV

It 's been a week. Guess what, I'm still not in good terms with Francene. Though I've realized that Sophie is right, that Francene has nothing to do with my problems. I still can't say sorry to Francene. I'm still making up my mind whether to say sorry or not. I got up from my bed to go downstairs. I was in front of Francene's room, I wanted to knock but then I'm thinking twice if this would be the right time to talk to her. Suddenly the door opened, I was shocked to see her although I know it's her room. She was shocked to see me too. Maybe because we've been avoiding each other these past few days.

 "Hey." I said then wave at her. After saying that I looked to the floor to avoid her gaze.

 "Hey." she said. Even without looking, I can hear from her voice that her mouth is full of food.

It made me chuckle a bit. I realize she maybe annoying but she's adorable and funny.

"Uhm I was just passing by when you suddenly opened the door." I said as an excuse.

 "Ah okay." she said with a hint of uneasiness but she managed to smile at me anyway.

 She was about to close her door when I said something. I don't know why I asked her that, we're supposed to be avoiding each other.

 "Hey aren't you going downstairs too?" I asked

She looked like she's been thinking if she'll tell me what she wants to say. "I've changed my mind." she said

 "Okay." I said

 And again she was about to close the door. It made me hesitant but maybe it's the right time to tell her this after all I don't want to spend my whole time here awkwardly just because we're not in good terms.

 "Ah Francene I just wanted to say sorry for what happened." I said shyly

"What did you say? ." she said

"Sorry." I said

"Can you repeat it a little louder, I can't hear it." She said mocking me.

"I'm sorry." I said, this time more sincerely.

"I can't tell you it's okay because what you did isn't, but I can accept your apology." She said

 I smiled "Thank you." I said then I noticed what she's holding. "Is that haribo?"

 "As you can see, yeah it is. You want?" She asked

 "Can I?" I said 

"Sure, here. It's all yours. I still have a lot of it inside the room." she said

 "Thank you I really need this." I said.

She finally closed her door while I went downstairs. It feels good to apologize. It's lile taking out something heavy inside your chest.


The thing is I've already ate breakfast but I still feel hungry. I guess this is what stress eating is.

"Oh look at this." I said as I saw donuts on the fridge. There's a lot of flavors in it, I hope no one gets angry if I eat all of it. "Yep this is good. Okay let's see, maybe I'll start with this chocolate donut."

While eating I saw someone outside the yard. I peeked through the window to see who it is. It was Francene watering the plants outside. I decided to go out and talk to her. Maybe she needs some help too.

"Watering the plants eh?" I asked

She turned around shocked. But guess I was the one who is more shocked about what happened. The hose she is using to water the plants is now pointing at me which caused me to get wet. Now I see why I really don't like watering plants.

"I'm sorry James." she said

"Making another disaster?" I said "Give me that."

"Are you angry again?" she asked worriedly

"Just give me that." I said then took the hose from her.

I pointed the hose at her that caused her to get wet too. I just love revenge, I laughed at her expression when the water hits her.

"Stop it James." she shouted while blocking the water using her hands

"No, I wont stop." I said still laughing at her.

To make me stop she scooped up some dirt from the ground and threw it at me, but she's all wrong. I have better idea.

"So you think that would make me stop. Sorry it can't." I said "But I think you wanna get dirty too. Mud fight!"

I scooped up some dirt too and threw it at her. I laugh harder because it landed straight on her face.

"Oh no James, you're testing me huh?" Francene said as she scooped another ball of dirt.

I continued pointing the hose at her so that she won't get a hold of me. She kept throwing me balls of dirt but she can't throw it directly at me because of the water hose that's pointing at her. Now I can tell we can really get along together.

"You're not such a sport James!" She yelled and run after me.

"Whatever, as long as you can't beat me, it's alright" I said while running away from her.

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