Chapter 1

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James POV

Riding an airplane to get back home always excite me. But then that was before. Before she decided to broke up with me. Before she  decided to tell me that she don't love me anymore. Before everything was a mess.

"Hey James you alright?" asked Tristan

"Yeah. I'm alright." I lied

"James don't take things too hard. You're not the only one who's single here." said Bradley

"Cut it out Brad!" yelled Connor

"What?" Bradley responded to Connor " Not because you have a girlfriend you'll tell me what to do."

"I just said cut it out." Connor said

"Well what's wrong with being single? I'm single. James is single and also Tristan so what's wrong in saying it?." explained Bradley

"Just stop talking about it Brad. Can you?" said Tristan with a bit of irritation

"Okay. I'll stop since you all don't want to talk about it." answered Bradley

When they've stopped talking I just peeked through the window to see the sky and I started over thinking again about us, about what happened and about where did I go wrong.


Life e is a travel. You'll probably experience a problem, like tires and machine that needed fixing. But in the end everything will be worth it once you arrived at your destination.

I pressed the button of our doorbell. And after some second I heard someone shout inside.

When the door opened I saw an unfamiliar face. She closed the door again and started shouting which caused the people inside the house to panic. The door opened again. I was relieved to see my mom's face. Which meant I didn't run into the wrong house.

"Hey James. Welcome home!" she said and smile then hugged me

I gave her a face to say that I wanted answers to what just happened.

I entered our house and heard the unfamiliar person talking to Sophie. 

"Sophie you heard me right? But let me tell you again, I really did see him. I swear Sophie I just saw James! James from The Vamps!!!" she said

"Listen. Can you please calm down?" Sophie said to her

"Okay, okay."

"Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! Sophie, I really saw him. Can you slap me? " answered the unfamiliar person

I was shocked that Sophie really did slap her.

"Okay, now I'm good." Said the girl

"You're aware that my surname is Mcvey right?" Sophie said

"Uhm, yeah, why?" the unfamiliar person asked

"Well it just happened that James is my brother." said Sophie

"No way!" she answered "Are you joking? This is not the right time to joke around Sophie."

"No! It's true. Wait. Does this mean that you don't know who's James' sister is? I thought you're one of his fans?" Sophie said

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