The Confession (Chanyeol EXO)

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Main Characters: Sarah (@KGirl1) and Chanyeol - EXO

Author: Nissi

Genre: Romance 


I took out the nicely wrap box the size of my palm out of my bag before walking to the class of my boyfriend. Today is Valentine’s Day and I am going to give this to him. Very cheesy, but I stayed up all night trying to make the most perfect batch of chocolates. I wanted this to be very special to him.

Maybe also because I want it to outdo other girl’s chocolates. It’s very hard to have a boyfriend that is very popular. Because no one seems to get the idea that he is already taken.

I placed my hand on the handle of his classroom door to open it, but a hand stopped me from doing so. I looked up at one of my boyfriend’s friends, Chanyeol.

    “Sarah, I don’t think you should go in,” he warned his eyes full of concern.

    “Eh, why not?” I asked, furrowing my brows together.

    “Just… don’t…” he said once again.

    “Come on, I just want to give him this,” I said, chuckling before opening the door.

I regretted opening the door… I regretted not listening to his friend’s warning. When I opened the door, a girl was sitting on my boyfriend’s lap. He was hugging her and said that he loves her. I heard it loud and clear.

My grasp on the box loosened and it fell on the ground with a loud ‘thump’. He looked up from the girl to meet my eyes. His eyes seemed to be full of terror. I scoffed and quickly ran away before any tears could drop.

    “Are you happy now?!” I heard Chanyeol exclaimed.

I ran all the way to the rooftop of the school and slumped down on the ground next to the entrance door. I hug my knees and feeling a bit strange. Wasn’t I about to cry before…? Why aren’t I now?

I mean, I should, right? He was my first and only boyfriend and we’ve been together for almost two years!

    “Why am I not crying?” I asked myself in a hush tone.

    “Maybe because you never loved him?” a familiar deep voice said from next to me.

    “What do you mean?” I asked him with confusion.

    “From what I see is that you were never THAT happy when you were with him,” he explained with a sort-of a smile plastered on his face.

I sighed deeply.

    “Chanyeol, I have a question… how can you read me so easily?”

    “I have my ways, Sarah.” He said before smirking very cutely.

Aish… he can make everything seems so cute! Get a grip, Sarah; you shouldn’t be fangirling over someone else when you just broke up with your boyfriend.

    “I think you’re right…” I confessed, staring at the blue sky.

    “I'm always right.” He said playfully, “But with what though?”

    “I never actually loved him. I only accepted his offer of being my boyfriend because he was popular…” I said as a blush crept up on my face.

From the corner of my eyes, I see him looking at me with confusion.

    “And…?” he asked.

    “What do you mean ‘and’?” I replied with a question.

    “The tone of your voice just then seems like you were going to continue,” he explained his curiosity.

I chuckled lightly to myself. Now I wonder. How the heck did I manage to hide my feeling for him? He can read me so well as if I am an open book!

    “And… I actually liked—still do, one of his friends…” I informed.

Did I just spill it to him? Oh god… this will be so awkward.

    “Why didn’t you just go out with his friend?” Chanyeol asked with his eyebrows knitted together.

    “His friend is the kind of person that doesn’t like to be in a relationship… and he is always so happy… and I didn’t want to spoil it by confessing to him,” I said, slowly letting the cat out of the bag.

    “Why does the person sound so familiar?” he asked in curiosity.

Was my description of him very vague? Why didn’t he get it?

    “Because it’s you,” the word came out of my mouth out of my intention.

I widened my eyes and quickly covered my mouth.

    “I didn’t mean to! I'm sorry,” I said and just as I was about to leave, his hands grabbed me, which caused me to sit back down.

With his hand, he made me face him. He leaned in to close the gap between our lips. My eyes widened. The kiss was just a peck. He leaned out smiling.

    “You don’t need to apologise,” he informed, smiling very happily now, “because I like you too!”

I was beyond happy. But that day was the day that I am truly, frankly happy.


I really hope you like it. If you don't like it, maybe you could request another one? Because to be honest, this is my first time writing a one shot... otl. 

xxx Nissi ^^

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