four :: thunders

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That night was raining so hard and thunder was roaring like crazy outside. Zayn was cuddling with his pillows, his blanket on, and his phone was in his hands.

That was pretty late and he was just scrolling through his instagram feed until a loud thunder came and with that, the electricity of his house dead.

"Shit." Zayn cursed. He opened his curtain, revealing how dark it was outside.

Honestly, he was a bit scared. It was three am and his whole family was sleeping downstairs. His room was the only one that's located upstairs.

Zayn walked around his room, trying to find a flashlight but ended up sitting again on his bed with his blanket wrapped around his thin frame.

Another loud thunder roared and Zayn can't help but yelped in surprised. He shook his head and gulped. He never ever liked thunder, like, ever.

Suddenly, his phone rang and he nearly jumped out of his bed because of the sudden sound.

"Hello?" Zayn picked up.


It was Liam. Zayn's brows furrowed confusedly because it was so noisy wherever Liam was.

"Yeah. Why are you calling me, Li?" Zayn asked.

"Nothing," Liam replied with a relief voice. "Just checking on you, Zayn. You know, since you don't like thunders and all. So-"

"Wait," Zayn cut him. "Are you outside? Sounds like raining there. Are you mental?? It was raining so hard and you're outside?! Where the hell are you??"

Zayn was worried about Liam. He opened his curtain again and glanced at the pouring rain. It was basically a storm outside.

"Try to look at your front door, Zayn." Liam suggested with a laugh.

"Wha-" Zayn quickly looked down to his front door and Liam was waving his hand to him.

"Idiot." he muttered to the laughing Liam and hang up.

Without causing any sound, Zayn made his way to the downstairs. He opened the front door and quietly pulling Liam to his room.

"You're dripping wet, dumbass!" Zayn said, motioning to Liam's clothes.

Liam didn't say anything. He was just grinned sheepishly and watched Zayn finding a towel and clean clothes for him.

"My clothes wouldn't fit in you so just wear Jawaad's. He left some of his clothes when he slept over here last week." Zayn said as he put a towel and clean clothes to Liam's hands.

Liam nodded then got in Zayn's bathroom. He took a quick bath and went out to face a scared Zayn.

"Love, are you scared?" Liam asked softly.

"Thunders are being a dick." Zayn cursed and tried to snuggle into his blanket even more.

Liam chuckled and sat next to Zayn. he gently pulled Zayn into his chest and started to stroke the boy's back.

Then, the nature seemed to know what Liam's wanted so another loud ass thunder came and Zayn immediately hugged Liam, hiding his head on Liam's broad chest.

The bigger lad cooed and whispered, "Let's go to bed, yeah?" he softly brought himself and Zayn to bed and covered themselves with a warm blanket.

Zayn's ears pressed to Liam's chest and suddenly, he can't hear those thunders anymore because Liam's heartbeat blocked it all.

However, Zayn felt so safe and comfortable hearing Liam's fast yet calming heartbeat and somehow, his heartbeat matched with Liam's.

thank you so much with 50 votes and tWO HUNDRED READS wtf its only three days since ive published this y'all dont know how much this means to me i love you 💞

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