Chapter One

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My bright red hair sways side to side in its ponytail, my Nike Airs hitting the sidewalk as I run down the familiar street of Brooklyn, New York.

My name is Danielle Hudson, 18 years, young. I live with my wonderful dad, my mom died of breast cancer eight years ago, so it's just been the two of us since. But it hasn't been bad, it's been nice. We've grown a unique relationship between the two of us. He's taken me to thousands of Yankee games, amazing plays on Broadway, he's taken me on away business trips - such as Maine, France, London, Australia - and is my part-time trainer for track. I am the fastest female runner in my school and am currently competing for nationals.

Speaking of my dad, he is currently away for yet another business trip and I decided to stay home for training. He's been gone for about two weeks so it's just been me, waking up early and going for a run - occasionally taking my dog with me but most of the time she goes with the dog walker.

I weave my way through the busyness of work traffic, people rushing to work like they've been late for two days. I smile to myself, shaking my head as I approach the small apartment, opening the gate and closing it before jogging up the stairs.

I unlock the door, pushing it open only to come across a suitcase and a duffle. Dad's home? I think to myself, a smile spreading across my face.

Like I said, my dad has been gone on a business trip - in Washington to be exact. I don't know where in Washington exactly but it was an important trip. My dad is an architect, one of the best in the city. He's helped build skyscrapers and houses in Long Island, he works hard and I thank him for it everyday. I look up to him and hope to marry a man like my father one day.

"Dad?!" I shout, placing my iPhone and Bluetooth headphones on the table by the door, running into the living room.

There, I see a man who I've grown to know and love. He always goes for the same look everyday; even on business trips. His brown hair that is fading on the edges is a mess, showing the he's been up for days - probably planning a building no doubt - and he's wearing a light blue button down shirt with a black tie, a pair of brown dress pants matching it and his dress shoes are across the room in a neat line.

"Princess!" He smiles, opening his arms when his blue orbs meet my brown-green-blue mixed eyes.

My smile grows and I run towards him, jumping against the 6'3 figure with my 5'7 frame, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Daddy!" I shout, a joyful sound in my voice.

He spins me around, a giggle erupting from my voice before he places me down, kissing my forehead. "How's my favorite runner in all of New York?" He asks, bending down to my height.

"Great! I ran ten miles today." I say, walking into the small kitchen to grab a water bottle. "How was your trip?" I ask, taking a sip of my water as I hop onto the counter.

"It was good. Ran into an old friend." He answers, making himself coffee before turning around to face me.

"Oh? What's his name?" I ask, placing my bottle on the counter.

"Her name is Paige Morgan." My father says, a bright smile spreading across his face.

I raise my eyebrows, hopping off of the counter and move towards him. "Paige?" I question, hoping that the worry and fear won't be noticeable. Time to disguise my voice and actions.

He chuckles, turning around to grab his coffee mug before walking back into the living room. "Yes, Dani. Paige." He says, sitting down in his favorite recliner before turning on the tv.

Brooklyn (A Paul Lahote Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora