Chapter Sixteen

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I walk closer to my house, my eyes noticing Paige's car in the driveway and I groan.

"If only I had red magical heels I can click together to get away from this place.." I mumble, shrugging my backpack up my shoulder before continuing my way towards the place I call "home".

It's been a little over a week since I've seen the La Push boys. After I ran out of Sam and Emily's, I've been too embarrassed to see any of them since. So my life consists of me going to school, coming home from school, doing homework, going for a run, sleep and repeat - except for weekends. I try to sleep in on those days.

I hear wheels press against the dirt behind me as I climb up the few stairs, turning my torso just slightly and glaring out of my glasses to see the trucks I've been desperately avoiding.

Great, I sigh to myself, pressing my glasses up the bridge of my nose some more before continuing my entry.

"Dani!" I hear a chorus of people shout, their feet hitting the ground eagerly and I just quickly open the door.

I stumble inside the house, looking around to find where my dad and the evil witch are. I kick off my rain boots - revealing my purple socks -, shrugging off my backpack before quickly taking off my black leather jacket.

"Dad!" I shout, lazily grabbing my bag as the front door opens yet again.

I take that as my cue to walk around the house, looking for my beloved father to ask him about going to New York for moms anniversary.

"Da-" I start before being interrupted.

"Yes! Yes, yes!" I hear a painful squeal causing me to cringe and Skie to run out of the room, over to me.

I smile at the blue eyed husky, patting her gently as I eye the room before me.

Out comes running Paige, a hand over her chest as she smiles as cringe worthy smile. My dad following hot on her trails.

"Oh Dani, this is so great!" She squeals yet again and I give her a look.

"What is?" I ask, keeping a hand on Skie and a tight grip on my backpack.

"You're going to be my step daughter and I'm gonna be your step mom!" Paige excitedly says, flashing the newest ring on her left hand and I quickly look at my dad.

I drop the heavy backpack in my hand, causing a loud noise erupt in the house. What?!

"Congratulations you guys!" I hear everyone excitedly shout while my whole world comes crashing down.

It feels like I can't move. Everyone else is moving around me but I feel like everything is going slow. Their movements, my movements; what they say, what I want to say. Nothing is going to normal speed. So, naturally, the only thing I do is run.

I quickly put back on my boots before moving out of the house and landing my feet on the dirt road, desperately trying to grasp a breath of air. Next thing I do is run down the road, through the trees.

This can't be happening. Not her. Not now.

Panic rushes through my veins, causing me to run faster and further away from my new found problems.

Within minutes I find myself outside a building and I stare at it momentarily before realizing where I am.

A dance studio.


*Paul's P.O.V*

"Where could she have run off to?" Paige asks Scott, a look of fake worry across her face.

I mentally roll my eyes, my arms crossed as I stand next to Jared and Sam.

Scott picks up the phone, "I don't know but she wouldn't be gone for almost five hours. It's dark out!" He worriedly says, starting to punch in the numbers for the police.

"We can go look for her, Scott." Sam quickly says, offering the worried father a smile.

"We know the woods; we were born and raised in them. We will have the better chance of finding her over the police." He finishes, looking at the line of wolves who can smell her out.

We all nod in unison, uncrossing our arms. "She'll be back safe, I promise." I sincerely say, myself being worried on the whereabouts of my imprint.

"Scott.." Paige slowly says, running a hand down his arms. "Maybe she should stay at a friends house or something. Give her time to process the information without feeling pressured or stressed." She finishes, actually sounding like she cares about Dani.

Does she?


*Danielle's P.O.V*

I've been in this studio for hours, just sitting and watching people as they move to the rhythm of the music. Some songs are perfect for hip hop, others for ballet, and most of them for both.

"Okay guys! We'll see you all tomorrow, same time." I hear a boy instructor yell before everyone moves to their stuff, gathering it and leaving the large studio.

I stand up, brushing off my pants before making my way towards the doors.

"Hey you!" I hear the same voice shout and I slowly turn around, my eyebrows raised.

"Me?" I ask, watching Mr. green eyes as he moves closer to me.

"Yeah, you. I've never seen you here before." He says, his eyes twinkling from the light above us.

"I'm Stiles." He introduces himself, offering me a hand and I take it.

"Danielle." I say before pulling my hand from his and turning around, pushing the double doors open, making my way to the woods.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" Stiles shouts and I smile softly to myself, turning around to look at him.

"Guess we'll have to wait and see." I shout back before entering the woods.

I move slowly around the stumps and sticks, being sure to be quiet as I don't have an idea about what animals could be out and about.

Thought too soon, Dani...

I hear a howl, making me quickly turn my head into the direction of the sound before starting to run. I don't know if it's the right direction for my house or not but I'm running. And, boy, that was a bad decision to make.

Because I tripped over a log and banged my head against a stump, causing me to black out.

A/N: Hey guys....

I am so sorry for the late chapter! I feel awful about it /: The last A/N I posted explains why this is so late and again, I'm sorry.

Please comment and vote for this chapter! I miss hearing from you guys and I really am looking forward to it (:

Love you all!

Until next chapter,

Brooklyn (A Paul Lahote Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora