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A bright light..... Finally..... The end of the tunnel.....

I opened my eyes to strobing, piercing lights. It was impossible to make out anything visually. All I could make out for sure were panicked shouts and yells, followed by a series of extremely loud crashes. I felt the crashes too. The force of what ever impact had just occurred had propelled me forward a few steps. Where was I? I vaguely remembered a tunnel, but this sounded like a war zone. And what’s up with the fireworks?

My vision started to clear slightly- meaning that the fireworks had moved on, and the dust had started to settle. I could make out a street, and a lot of rubble. As the air cleared even more I saw the weird green-gray buildings that seemed to be repairing the chunks torn out of them. That didn’t seem right....

Shaking my head, I did a 360 turn to take in my surroundings. And thats when I heard it. A heart-rending wail came from somewhere in the rubble. My breath caught in my throat, and I ran towards the sound. Was someone under that mess?

“Are you O.K.?” I yelled in the direction of the sound. The wailing stopped.

And the shouting started. “Help me! Help us! We’re under here!”

“I cant get to you, how can I get you help?” I said, trying to hide the tremor in my voice. This had to be a dream. Dream...... I remembered something for a second, but then the thought was gone as the shouting continued.

“Tell them we’re Ross Brow,” The voice answered, bitterly, slightly strained. “That’ll get us out of here.”

“I’m coming to get you guys,” I said.

As I started to run to the disaster area, I heard another voice behind me.

“You, girl! Get away from there!”

I turned to around, and stared up at a boy about my age standing on one of the shorter buildings. How he got there, I had no idea. I didn’t really care anyway. I jerked my chin up at him defiantly, to show him just how little I cared. “No.”

“What did you say, young girl? You’d better move, it’s not safe over here!” He sounded way to bossy for his own good.

“I said ‘No’. And you can't call me a young girl. I'm probably older than you!" I replied indignantly. “Just you try to stop me!”

Then- get this- he jumped off the building! He sort of floated down, and started to walk towards me “Now, come here right now, or-” There was another flash, and he lunged at me, as quick as lightning, I could have sworn he had flown. Then there was a boom, and another impact shock. 

I heard shrapnel whizzing through the air, and screwed my eyes shut. I felt something ram into me, and I hit the ground hard, with that something half on top of me. Every time I heard something crash near me, I would flinch. I should be dead ten times over....

After what seemed like infinity and a day, the weight left me. I stood up uncertainly, doing a check to see if I was all intact.

"See. You'd better leave if you want to stay alive. If I hadn't been here, you would have been dead." I looked at the boy, and saw with a gasp that he was covered in gashes and scratches. He had protected me from the blast, and I owed him my life. I wish I had time to thank him properly, but I had to get to those people.

And it was time for me to act like it.

I tried really hard too. It took a second to remember the name, but I named Ross Brow as my father. I watched his face show how shocked he was, and how suddenly willing he was to help me. I continued to fake being the stunned daughter, trying to mask how little I knew about Ross Brow and the world around me. I thought I had done a pretty good job acting, but I guess he didn’t think so. He decided that my excuses weren’t enough, and decided to bring me to someone named ‘the Lieutenant’, who knew my ‘father’ personally. That didn’t sound good at all, since, hello, Ross Brow wasn’t actually my father. 

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