Bed Bugs

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ch. 6, Bed Bugs- Kyte’s POV

Chrissy was insane, but it was a good idea. The Chrippet bugs were an amazing way to get revenge, but they were also really hard to get your hands on. Charles knew a girl who had a talent for those sorts of things. She had influence over animals, and lesser beings, which, according to Charles, made her really scary sometimes. Sadly that girl probably wasn’t going to talk to Charles without trying to kill him for another year or so. Charles was a little touchy about the subject, but he readily gave us the girls number, so we could talk to her, with him “away at a safe distance”.

“Chrissy, do you remember her number?” I asked quietly. The group had elected us go, since it was Chrissy’s project, and I was the last one to say that I didn’t want to go. So I was presently walking down the Bunking room next to Chrissy, heading down to Squad 7’s Bunk-Shelf. It was way past lights off, so if we were caught, we would probably end up with food duties for weeks, and only minimal meals during that time.

“I have it. 8-10-A3, I think.” 

“You’re probably right. Come on, we’re here.”

We climbed ten stories to the girls floor, and then down to loft A3. Tapping softly on the hatch door, Chrissy waited.

Ten long seconds later, the hatch swung slowly open, and a mess of tangled brown hair poked itself out of the bunk.

“What?” Said the hair mop, brushing hair out of its eyes to no avail.

I spoke up, “We need Chrippet bugs. For a prank on someone. You’ll know who it’s on if all goes well.”

“One second.” The mop retreated, and came back with a bag of something wriggly. “You owe me a pillow cover now, Kyte. What’ll you pay me for the bugs?”

“I can get you the cover. I know someone who has some wax pencils. I could get you those, and you could decorate your bunk with them.”

“Deal. Enjoy the bugs,” The mop retreated a final time, closing the bunk hatch behind her.

“Her hair was a mess!” Chrissy said as soon as we were out of hearing range of bunk A3.

“Don’t be mean,” I said. “She just gave you a bunch of goo secreting bugs! Plus, you can’t tell me that you’ve never had bed head before?” 

Chrissy rolled her eyes, and we walked back to Shelf 5.

The next day, Charles, Traves, Samm, Lily and Chrissy were all assembled at the base of Shelf 5. Chrissy was holding the wriggling bag in front of her like it was diseased. It probably was, but it was funny to see her so unnerved by it.

“Do we know Mac’s number?” I ask.

“Sure,” Lily replies, “It’s 5-7-A12.”

Chrissy cleared her throat, “Are you sure that it won’t spread to my room. You know, I’m pretty sure his loft’s diagonal to mine.”

“That just makes it better,” Charles said pointedly, “No one would suspect you, because you’re putting yourself in minor risk as well.”

“Easy for you to say,” Chrissy muttered.

“Are we still going to do this? We’re ready for this?” I ask again. I was sort of apprehensive about this plan. It was even more risky to carry out than walking the corridors after lights out. We’d done small rebellious things as a group, but ever since Chrissy showed up, my gang had been getting more restless. I’d be surprised if they actually called the prank off.

Sure enough, they all stared at me like I was nuts. Charles was especially astonished. 

“We have the bugs, and we’re prepared. This was your idea. What are you worried about anyway? You aren’t usually this cautious.” He was looking at me with a mixture of disgust and confusion.

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