Chapter 2

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Please tell me what you think! Should I keep going or not?



"What are you doing here?" my nerves going in high gear as the man who tried to kill me walked into my hospital room.

"Sweetheart, don't be scared of me," he said with a smirk and his head tilted to the side.

"W-what do y-you want f-from me?" I stuttered as I spoke.

"Don't worry Scarlette, I'm only here to stop the pain."

"H-how do you know m-my name?"

"Listen babe, all of the pain will be gone soon. No need to worry."


Before I knew it, a gun was pointed to my head.

"Hey, Scar, how are you feeling'?" Danny asked as he walking in with a sandwich.

"Out. Forget she ever existed. This never happened. You saw nothing," the man told Danny. He pulled out another gun and pointed it at Danny, "Or I'll shoot you first."

"NO!" I shouted. I tried to jump up and protect him but the IV in my arm forcing me to stay back.

Danny was about to walk over to me and calm me down but stopped when the person shouted, "If you move you die together."

I nervously looked around to find something to contact someone with.

"Who are you?" I asked once my gaze met his again.

"Well, since your going to die, I might as well tell you everything. My name is Adam Jones. I am an agent...of a family business," his voice switched into a British accent, "I am ordered to kill you as protection of all countries."

"What are you talking about?"

"I've said too much," he looked to Danny, "Don't you dare say a word. Now get in the chair."

I remembered the doctor telling Danny and I that if there was an emergency to hit the red button behind my bed.

I quickly hit it while Adam was tying Danny up. About a minute later a doctor and two nurses came in. Perfect timing, I might add, because Adam had finished tying Danny and was now in between us with his guns to our heads.

"Sir please drop the guns. Consequences will be minimized if you cooperate accordingly," the doctor told him.

"You can't tell me what to do," he was still speaking in his British accent.

(a/n: he speaks in the accent from now on unless said other wise)

"Sir, please drop the guns."

"Oh please," Adam put the one gun on my hospital bed and pulled out a badge, "See," he said in a sarcastic tone.

I turned to Danny and he had a nervous face, but something told me he knew what was going on.

"I..uh..." there was a bead of sweat on his forehead and he rubbed his hand up and down his neck, "Where are your permits?"

Adam reached in his pocket and pulled some papers out and handed them to the doctor, though he looked at me with his smirk. I was getting too used to that.

The doctor pulled Adam aside. I wanted to run and scream but didn't move and tried to listen to the hushed conversation.

" can't be in here...against the law.." the doctor spoke first.

"...she kept running...I was unconscious for hours..." I let a small, proud smile form on my lips. "...she needs to die..." my smile disappeared as Adam said those words.

" a patient...guns are illegal in hospitals...we save lives, not take them here..."

"...its my job...have no choice...he would kill me..."

"...prison...must leave...already called police..."

"Who called?"

" of the secretaries...nurses paged them...had no choice..."

"...its my job...throw her out in the streets...I'll kill her there...have no time to waist..."

"GO NOW!" the doctor shouted, pointing to the door. you could hear the anger in his voice.

"You'll regret this," Adam muttered under his breath and stormed out of the room.

Three days later I went home, to my apartment.

"Do you need anything?" my sister, Sarah, asked. She was staying with me until I got better.

"No I'm fine," I told her and went and sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

The local news was on. And I was their story.

"Great," I mumbled.

"Scarlette," she dragged out the last syllable of my name.

"Everything will be alright. Don't worry."

"How do you know?" I asked her in an non sarcastic tone.

"Just because it will be. You have a police officer at both ends of the hallway for God's sake!"

"I know. 'To protect me from harm'," I restated my uncle's words, changing my voice to sound like his.

"Oh come on! Listen, I know you can take care of yourself but there is some killer out to get you. He will be stopped. Okay? So quit the worrying," she said as she bent down and grabbed my shoulders.

I winced in pain, "Can you please let got of me?"

"Oh, sorry!" she let go and backed away.

I got up, just wanting to sleep. I walked to my room and got out of my clothes and changed into some sweatpants and a tank top.

I fell on my bed waiting for sleep to take over me.

But all I could think about were those piercing green eyes.

I wasn't scared. I know him. I recognise him. Somehow, from somewhere. And then it hit me.

He is my best friend from college.

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