Chapter 4

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"What should I wear?" I asked myself.

I'm getting ready for my meeting with Adam. Does he even remember me from college? He dropped out after the first year and I hadn't spoken to him since then. I doubt he remembered me. And I have changed a lot since then.

New hair style, no glasses, make-up, lost weight, wear fitting clothes.

I used to be the nerdy, plane-Jane that everyone made fun of.

And he has changed too. His hair is shorter, changed clothes style, and he used to be that weird emo nerd. He died his hair black before college started. His right ear was pierced. He wore baggy dark clothes. He always got in with the wrong crowd. Those piercing green eyes are the only reason how I knew him.

We met during spring break. And I switched it around for him. We were best friends. And each other's only friends.

He was the sweetest kid but that didn't stop him from getting with the bad crowd. We were in some classes together and we were partnered up for a project. We met up a couple times in the library. Then we started to hang out regularly. About two weeks later the project was due we turned it in and got an A.


"Hey Adam!" I ran over to him as I saw him leaning against a wall in the farther end of campus.

"Hey what's up Shorty?" he always called me shorty because he was at least 6 foot and me at 5'7". I wasn't too much shorter than him but he always thought so.

"Guess what!" I jumped in front of him grabbing his arms.

"What?" he asked in a bored voice.

"We got an A on our project!" I jumped up and down and reached up and swung my arms around his neck.

He responded quickly and wrapped his arms around my waist lifting me off of the ground.

"That's awesome Shorty!"

He set me down and looked into my eyes.

"You're so beautiful." he said in a whisper.

I let go of my grip around his neck and looked at the ground. "Uh..thanks." I said and a blush started to form.

"Come on. Let's get some food," he then put his arm around my shoulders and we started walking to the campus cafeteria.

He was usually like this. We weren't dating and we were exact opposites.

Blond hair, nerdy girl that blend into the crowd.

Dyed black hair, baggy-clothed boy who doesn't belong anywhere near the crowd.

But we were best friends. He brought out the wild side of me and I brought out the sweet, sensitive side of him. We fit perfect together.

Four months later, as the end of the first year was nearing, he came to my dorm.

"Hey Shorty, we...uh..we gotta talk." I could sense the upsetting tone that he spoke in, through is sexy British accent.

I let him in since my roommate wasn't here, she never is.

"What's wrong kiddo?"

"I'm dropping out of school."

"What?" I felt a small part of me being ripped out.

"I'm dropping out of college. I'm not coming back."

"Wait you're leaving?"


I sat down on my bed then immediately stood up walking over to the door. He followed and I opened it.

"Come on Shorty, talk to me."

"You're leaving," I repeated not knowing what to say next.

"Scarlette, please, I...I don't want to hurt you. I just...don't belong here,"

He walked out and stood in the hall, I still haven't looked him in the eyes, "You're leaving me," I closed the door in his face and just fell back onto my bed and a tear falling down my cheek.

***End of Flashback***

I can't believe he doesn't even remember me. After what we had been through.

"Oh well. What can I do about it?" I asked myself.

I pulled out a tight purple tank top and slipped into some dark jean short-shorts. I yanked my hair back into a high ponytail and checked myself out in the mirror. I looked hot. I pulled on my white Pumas, grabbed my phone and keys, and left my apartment, locking the door.

I walked down to my car and hopped in. I drove to the nearest Olive Garden. I noticed Adam sitting there on the bench playing on his phone.

I jumped out of my car and walked over to him.

"Hey kiddo." I called to him then threw my hand over my mouth. Crap. He still doesn't know.

"Hey?" he looked at me a little confused.

"You wanted to talk?"

"Sit," he nodded down the the open spot on the bench next to him.

"Uh..okay..." I sat down and looked over at him noticing he had a gun, hidden under his jacket. I stiffened and he noticed.

"What's wrong? I'm not going to hurt you."

" gun," i told him trying my hardest not to studder.

"Oh yeah...sorry. It's not loaded. Just for show if I have to work. I left the bullets in my car." he said it as if it was no big deal.

"How long have you been working with this agency of yours?"

"About three years. Ever since I dropped out of college."

***ADAM POV***

My heart lurched at the thought of my one college year. I can barely remember it. Only my girl. Shorty. I can't even remember her name now. All I remember is her crying after I told her I was dropping out. She was my girl. My Shorty. But she probably got over it and is some huge famous scientist.

"Let me guess, you were some popular kid everyone loved and drooled over?" she spoke in sarcasm but something I her voice said she knew the answer.

"Nope," I said popping the P.

"Oh really?"

"I was a nerdy emo kid."


He almost said my exact words.

"Really? What changed your mind?"

He said this and I almost couldn't hear it, "My Shorty."

I almost started to cry as he said it. A tear fell from my eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked me and I looked up at him into his eyes.

I could barely speak so it came out as a croak, "Shorty..." was all I managed to say.

"Shorty." he looked in my eyes and then it clicked, "Scarlette. Shorty." he wrapped me in his arms as I just cried into his shoulder.

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