Chapter 5

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***ADAM POV***

"Scarlette...I don't know what to do," I told her as I looked into her eyes holding her hands tight in mine.

"Don't do anything. I don't wanna lose you again," she looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Shorty...I have to do my job."

"Stop." she stood up and turned away.

"Don't be like that," I told her and stood up. I grabbed her hand and spun her around. She didn't look me in the eyes. She was looking straight at the ground. A tear fell from her eyes.

No, not again. I hate when she cried in college and I still do.

"Just kill me already," she whispered and yanked out of my hold and ran away from where I was standing.

"Scarlette!" I threw my arm up and then brought it back down and ran my hand through my hair.

What am I gonna do?

She trusted me. She loved me. She accepted me. She is the target. She has to die.

"Sam?" I turned around and saw the kid, Tony, from the morning I woke up in the woods.

"Tony. Hey whats up?"

"How do you know Scarlette?"

"Um...old friends...why?"

"She's my brother's ex. You know him?"

"What's his name?"



"Sure. Only Scarlette calls him that."

"Your brother is the one who made her cry when I found her?" I could feel the anger rising inside me, "Your brother is the one who tore her apart?"

"Um...." he took a step back.

Right then, Danny turned the corner and walked towards Tony.


"It was you," I took a step towards them.

"Adam. What are you doing here? I'll call the police," Danny threatened me.

"His name is Sam," Tony spoke up.

"His name is Adam, Tony. Don't be stupid. Back to you, Adam, what are you doing here?" he put his hands on his brother's shoulders.

"I met with Shorty. I mean Scarlette."

"Shorty? Oh god, tell me you're joking. Shorty?"

"Shut up." I whispered and looked at the ground.

"So wait did I hear this correct you met Scarlette here?"

"She agreed to it," I told him looking up into his eyes.

"How did you talk to her?"

"I was texting her."


"Forget about it. okay?"

"Why did you call her Shorty?"

"I..uh...don't worry about it. I just..uh..nothing."

"Don't tell me. You're the one from her college?" he said in a sarcastic tone and ended with a laugh.

"Yeah," I told him and looked at the ground.


I didn't stop running. I ran past my apartment awhile ago and I just can't stop.

I just got him back and he wants to kill me. And he has to.

Can't he just grow up and find a new job? Doesn't he want to be with me? Will he even feel guilty if, I mean, when he kills me?

NO! Of course not. He doesn't love me, let alone like me, let alone care about me at all anymore. He's over it.

He is done with me and has been since he left me in college.

I start to feel tired and stop running. I look around and don't recognise where I am. I walk over to a near by house.

I knock on the door.

"Sorry I'll be there in a sec!" some one shouted from inside the door.

I waited there and the woman came and opened the door.

"Can I help you?" she looked me up and down.

"Yes, I'm sorry to disturb you I was just wondering, can you tell me where I am?" I asked her and she looked at me like I was crazy, "I was running and just sorta lost track of everything."

"Oh okay no problem. You're down in Summersville. Are you lost?"

Summersville. That's at least an hour away driving. Oh my god I have been running for over 2 hours.

"Um...yeah...I'm from North Cony. Are there any buses I can go on or anything?"

"Don't worry about that. I'll have my husband drive you. Rick!" she leaned in.

"What?" he spoke in a British accent.

"I need you to drive someone somewhere."

"No, no, don't worry about it. I'll just call someone," I tried to tell the woman.

"Don't be ridiculous. Ricky, here'll drive you. RICK!"

"I'm coming!"

A man about 6 foot 3. And was beautiful. But he looked like someone...Adam.

"Adam." I whispered and took a step back.

"Sorry no. That's my brother."

"I...I..I'm sorry I have to go." I spun on my heels and was about to take a step forward but the woman grabbed my hand.

"How do you know Adam?" she asked me looking concerned.

" you..uh..know what he does for work?"

Rick grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the house.

"Do you know?" he asked glaring at me.


"How do you know what he does?!"

"I'm...uh...a target..."

"A WHAT?!"

"I'm his target."

"How are you not dead yet? He's is always good with this."

"Um...we...uh were friends my first year of college."

"You're the Shorty chick?"

"Rick!" the woman whisper-yelled at her husband and slapped his arm.

"Its okay...and yes I am." I told them and they stared at me intently.

"That's why he is having trouble...well sorry...I won't." Rick pulled out a gun and pointed it at my head.



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