CC the great

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I woke up to Andy shaking my shoulders roughly.

"Jheez, what's your problem?" I wasn't a morning person on a good day, but my shoulders were still sore from Angels attack yesterday.

"Look, I haven't slept all night, I need to ask you something." I knew where this was heading.

"Go on?"

"Why did you ask for Ash yesterday?" Bingo.

I pulled my phone from the small shelf in the bunk and scrolled through to the photo of the texts between him and Ash. I showed him the screen, his face dropped.

"You were never supposed to see those..." What a cheek! He didn't even try to deny it, not that he could anyway.

"No shit sherlock! Why would you say all those things?! I told you- I told you why I am like this, and you told Ash!"

I jumped down from the bunk, tears burning down my cheeks. I ran to the bathroom; the bathroom that had somehow became my sanctuary.

The pain ran deep;my pain spilled out. Ben Bruce's song blared from my phone. I felt myself become woozy. But I had been in this position before, I knew what to do. I stood, washed my arms and put on one of the guys tshirts from the small mini heater in the corner of the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror. I looked like death. My eyes were black from my recent assault, and my eyes bloodshot from tears. I looked frail, weak. It was exactly how I felt, reflected neatly onto my outer appearance. Good. I want him to see what he's done to me.

I walked out to be met by Jinxx, CC and Jake sat gob smacked. Ash looked away from me, he looked damaged. Andy also looked away, he looked guilty. I walked and sat next to Jinxx, he was on a Skype call with Sammi.

"Shit, Jinxx what happened to her?"

"Boy trouble" I said before he had any chance to respond.

Me and Sammi exchanged numbers before they ended their call.

CC walked up and pretty much dragged me to the kitchen.

"CC let me go!" I shrieked. He leant closely to my ear.

"Look at your arm." He whispered.

I followed his gaze to my left forearm, the blood was seeping through the lit material of the shirt. CC picked me up easily and sat me on the kitchen counter. I love CC, whenever I get into a state he always seems to be the one taking care of me. Him or Jake. I love them both. CC began rooting through the medicine cupboard.

"Who's shirt?" I asked.

"I'll give you one guess." Andys. How ironic.

CC fetched a bandage, alcohol spray and one of his own tshirts. He pulled the blood soaked T-shirt off of me, leaving me in my bra. I didn't really care, I had never been conscious of my body, and I wasn't in the mood to freak out at him. He was trying to help.

"Jake, come hold her hand."

"Why?" Me and Jake said together.

"Sprays gonna sting like a bitch." Well, at least CC is honest. Jake came and held my hand in both of his. CC sprayed my arm and Jake comforted me as tears of genuine pain ran down my cheeks. Jake helped CC bandage and redress me. I hopped down from the counter and walked to Andy.

"Here, this is yours." I said as I threw his tshirt at him. My blood stained the arms.

"CC, can I stay in your bunk tonight?"

"Sure you can." CC said questioningly as he looked towards Andy and then back to me.

My phone buzzed in my hand.

I could be so much better, CC wouldn't have to do that if you we're with me. I'd treat you like the miracle you are. I'd take care of anyone that made you sad, and you would never hurt yourself again. It kills me to see you like this.

I felt a smile creep onto my face.

"Who was that?" Andy asked as he walked towards me.

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