On Your Way

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You jump as the elevator suddenly stops and the door opens. You're on the ground floor, and there's no going back now. You hastily step out of the elevator to let a group on. Then you make your way to the front desk and check out of your hotel room.
Your car is really far back in the lot, so it takes you quite a while to locate it and get your suitcase into the backseat. You close the lid of the trunk and hop into the driver's seat. You're lonely without Pete cracking jokes in the passenger seat. You miss him.
You've been on the road for an hour listening to the latest music on the radio when you hear "Sugar, We're Goin Down" begin to play. This is what causes you to begin crying. You've memorized Pete's parts of every Fall Out Boy song, and hearing them now makes you feel awful for leaving Pete right before the tour.
You tell yourself that it will be okay. You don't necessarily believe it, but you've arranged a plan. You're going to attend a Fall Out Boy concert tomorrow and somehow meet Pete. You know that it's too late for you to go on tour with the band, but you just want to see him.
You've been driving for an hour, since the concert is pretty far away from where you live. After all, it has taken you until the eighth show to realize you need to go after Pete. The only people you've spoken to since you left Pete were hotel staff. In desperation, you pick up your phone and call Patrick.
The phone rings three or times before Patrick picks up. "Hey! Where are you?" He asks, concerned.
"I'm on my way," You answer.
"What do you mean? Pete's a wreck, by the way," Patrick tells you.
"I'm coming to the concert tomorrow. I need to see him. I really do love him," You explain, "and I need you to do something for me."
"What? There's not much that I can do. You need to work this out yourselves," says Patrick.
"No, that's not what I mean," you tell him, "I just need you to tell the security that I'm coming so they'll let me backstage to see him after the concert. I know it's a lot to ask, but if you do I'll owe you big-time, Patrick."
Patrick hesitates for a moment before he answers. "Alright. I'll find a way. I know you love him, and I can't watch my best friend be this upset for the rest of the tour. He needs you."
"Thanks, Pat. I owe you one," you thank Patrick.
"Welcome, kiddo. I'll see you tomorrow," he says.
"See you then," you answer, and end the call.

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