The Concert Begins

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You jolt awake to the sound of the opening band playing music loudly. How had you fallen asleep? You stood up like everyone else and enjoyed their music. They were actually pretty good, and you noted to yourself to check out some more of their music when you had the time.
After a while, you noticed that the opening band was finishing up and walking off the stage. A few men began setting up for Fall Out Boy. You could feel the excitement within yourself and the crowd. People were yelling out song titles, and even the occasional "PATRICK!" or "PETE!" which made you a bit uncomfortable, since he was supposed to be your boyfriend. Well, the boyfriend that you basically left right before a tour and are now coming back for.
After a couple quick minutes of setting up, all four guys walk out to their places, but the first one you notice is Pete. You're about 70 feet away from him, but you can still tell that his smile isn't genuine.
They opened with Irresistible, then Sugar, We're Goin Down, and it kept going from there. Your favorite album was Infinity On High, so the songs from it were the ones you enjoyed the most. Pete still played well, but he didn't seem to have his heart in it, which broke yours. You realized that he does love you. If he didn't, you not coming to the tour wouldn't bother him at all.
After a couple more songs from Folie and From Under The Cork Tree, they closed with Saturday and people began to leave.
It occured to you that you didn't know where you were supposed to go. Patrick was unclear on that bit. He would've thought all this through, though, right? You were forced to continue slowly exiting the rows of seats with the rest of the crowd.
Suddenly, you feel a hand on your back. "Hey!"
You turn around. There was a large, angry looking security man dragging you away from the crowd. By now, everyone is staring towards you, and you turn away from them, as they'll begin to recognize who you are. The man rips off your sunglasses, making your identity even more obvious.
"You're going to have to come with me," the man says, angrily.
You were confused. You hadn't done anything wrong at all. You hadn't tried to record or take flash pictures, you hadn't hurt or bothered anyone. What did this man want from you?
"What's the deal? I have somewhere to be!" You shout to the man over the crowd.
The man doesn't answer and just keeps dragging you down the rows of seats until you reach a locked door. He promptly reaches for a small key ring in his side pocket, unlocks the door with the right one, sticks the keys back into his pocket, and forces you in through the door.
What is this? Am I being raped? Arrested?
"What the hell is this?" You demand to know.
The man closes the door behind him and steps in with you. You're in a hallway.
"Hush," he says, "Patrick Stump hired me to do this, so you best be quiet. I've got to go find him, so you wait here."
I understood what was going on now. The security man had taken me out of the crowd forcefully as an act. It worked pretty well, I thought. The man walked down the hallway and turned a corner, leaving you alone with your thoughts.

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