The day before Prom

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My eyes fluttered open ughhhh prom is tomorrow  I've never wanted to go to be honest I hated wearing dresses but yeah I quickly got dressed I looked in Cameron's room he wasn't there. Sighed I looked at his door and he had a sticky note that said
Had a photoshoot be back by 10 p.m
I rolled my eyes and walked out I walked to school and people where doing all that prom purpose shit.

I rolled my eyes I walked to my locker and grabbed my books all the guys came in there football uniform Matt grabbed my from my hips and "hey can u come to my game tonight" he said "yea" he kissed my cheek "I gotta practice all day see you in the afternoon" he hugged me and all the guys hugged me and walked first time I don't get hurt..yay.

I walked to my first period it was boring but a group of girls stared at me the whole class once I got out they followed me the leader I'm guessing shut my locker door on my hands I took them out and yelled "shit" I mumbled "so u think u can just take Matt from me that easy" she said I held my fingers "what" I said "u took him away from me" and she slapped me so hard I held my cheek and began to walk away but she tripped my I fell on to someone which was Nash he was all sweaty "whoa there he said I got up "sorry" "what happened" I turned and looked at the girls they gave me death glares "nothing" he looked at my hand it was bruised "what happened" he asked concerned "nothing" I took my hand away form his grasp "well I was just getting some water tell me later" he said and he had a water bottle in his hand and his uniform I nodded he walked away I quickly walked to the bathroom and washed my hands.

Then we went to second period we dropped out stuff off and walked to lunch I sat at a lunch table in the back Alone everyone stared at me I just put my tray aside I heard people sit next to me I looked up and it was the magcon group and 2 other guys jack g looked at me "Celeste what happened" "what" I asked confused he pointed at my cheek I touched it and it hurt so bad I ran to the bathroom and looked at it I had a scar it was probably the girl who slapped me she probably had devil nails.
I washed my face I heard so one come in I quickly whipped my face with my shirt I bumped into Matt while walking out he pushed me in "Celeste tell me what happened now" "nothing I probably scratched my face" I said with my head down "tell me the truth" I shut my eyes not wanting to cry right now I held my tears back but then I couldn't anymore tears streamed down my face.

Matt pulled me in his arms he planted a kiss on my forehead he pulled my head up with his index finger under my chin "tell me what happened" I explained to him what happened.

"stupid maggi" he growled "who" I asked "the girl who hurt you she was my ex like a long time ago she always tells that to all my girlfriends" he rolled his eyes I shrugged "just go out with her I mean I'm used to people ditching me" I whipped my tears "you know I wouldn't leave you" "I mean you leave all ur girlfriends you just get in there pants and leave them" his face drained of color "but your different" "yea" I crossed my hand over my chest "I'm serious I've never wanted a girl so bad I've loved you since the day I laid eyes on you" I felt heat rise up to my cheeks I smiled he grabbed my face and kissed me I pulled away "come on" I grabbed his hand and walked out.

All the guys where talking me and Matt sat at the table "oh Celeste meet Kian" Aaron said and pointed to a skinny boy they all had uniforms so I couldn't tell that much I smiled "hey" he smiled back "hey" Matt gripped my leg "and this is jc" he pointed to a more chubby dude "hi" I waved he waved back we talks for a while then we had to go.

The day went by fast I put my stuff in my locker and Matt came over he was so sweaty I looked at him he smiled "hey Ima go home and take a shower wanna walk together" I nodded and we Began to walk Matt looked at me and put his finger over my scar "I promise I won't let her hurt you again" he kissed my cheek he took his shirt off "what u doin boy" I said "what its hot" he said he held his shirt in his hand "I need to show you something" "Matt it's getting dark we have to go home" "come on" he grabbed my hand and led me to the woods we walked for a while and he covered my eyes "Matt what are you doing" "ok look" he uncovered my eyes and it lights that had around a sign that said PROM? I jumped on Matt and kissed him "I'm guessing that's a yes" he laughed "yes yes yes" I smiled and kissed him multiple times we walked home. I changed and cameron still wasn't home so I went to the game I watched and Matt was so good be looked at me a winked I smiled at him.

The game finished and we won I walked down to hug Matt he came and swept me up he was so happy he kissed me multiple times and set me down then we had to go home.

I entered my house and i heard snoring I walked upstairs and entered Cameron's room he was asleep in his tux I smiled and tried to hold back my laughter I kissed his four head and walked out I texted Matt form a while and fell asleep.

Cameron Dallas little sister // M.EWhere stories live. Discover now