Monday's Big Come Up!

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~Monday's Big Come Up!~
Chapter 3

I was dead awake I could not fall asleep Sunday night. All I kept thinking was today was going to be a disaster. I had my outfit ready (outfit up above.) Leslie and I picked it out Sunday night when she came over. It was 7:20 right now and had to make it at school at 8:15. That is when all the cool kids sit in the front entrance until the bell rings.

      I go ahead and take my shower and used my Zest strawberry-kiwi scent body wash, so I smelled live strawberry. When I got out of the shower I did my hair and make up first, then I got dressed. Now I had a bunch of invitations to pass out to everybody. Here's why:

On your third step to become popular is a party. The day that you wear  you first outfit is the day you pass out invitations. Your party will be the week after you pass out them out. You have to keep all your guest guessing. On the day that yu give the invites to everybody. The person that despise you the most will want one. At the end of the day you'll say you forgot and you ran out of invites.
Good luck, my Orchid!

So that was exactly what I planned on doing. It was now turning on eight and Leslie still wasn't here. She was going to drive with me to school. Since she wasn't here I will just have to go by myself. I hit her a text saying I was leaving.

Me:Where where you,about to leave.

Ann:Sorry had to drop brothers off went straight to school, see ya there.;)

   Well I guess I was on my own I grabbed the invites and my purse. I locked the door and started driving to school. As soon as I pulled up I was beginning to get nervous. I got out of the car with my head held high and started walking to the front entrance.

     Everyone was looking at me and staring in awe. I could not believe this might actually work. Then I headed to the most popular guy of the school. His name was Detreick and he was cute but cute to me. I handed him the invite and he looked at it dumbfoundedly. "What's this?" He asked while everybody was wondering  the same thing. " It's a invite to my party, you don't want to miss it."

He looked at me and I walked away then I heard him call out "New Girl?"

  I turned around on my heel and said "The name is Lilly Orchid and I am not new." I kept walking towards  my first class and everybody was just staring and whispering. I went to my locker first since my class was right outside my locker. I grabbed my books and then tried to close my locker when one of my books fell out of my hand. I bent down to pick it up as soon as TRISTEN MICHAEL picked up my book. "You know you really should get less books for each class." He told me identifying my books that where in my hand.

    "It saves me from repeatedly going back to my locker but thanks." He shrugged his shoulders and walked down the hallway. "Wait I need to give you something." He met me half way where I was and then I handed him a invite. "Please come, thanks for helping me with my book."

      Then I turned around and that when I heard the tardy bell. I muttered oh crappie and knocked on the door to Mrs.Gomez's room. "Lilly you are late since this is your first late slip I'll let it pass. I breathed a sigh of relief  and then I set down. As soon as I did I forgot about the invites, the class I was in had all the jocks and cheerleaders in it. I raised my hand and waited for Ms.Gomez to call on me. "Yes Lilly what do you need?" She asked.

"Well I need to hand something out to everyone  if you would let me." She nodded her head at me and I pulled the invites out of my purse. I started to walk to the front of the class and went desk by desk. As everyone had one I went to the front of the classroom and let them know it was a invite to my party and they would not want to miss it. Everybody gasped or just had their mouths open. I set down with the hugest smile on my face.


Lunch was now in the highest peak where everyone was sitting at there tables with their friends. It was now time to put the rest if my plan into action. I had five of Leslie's friends help me pass my invitations out. I told them all not to give one to Samantha Prime queen bitch of the school and not to do the middle table. I went to the middle and gave everyone a invite and telling them to be there. Samantha was sitting there in shock but smirking as she did so. I went around the whole table and that's when she turned to me.

       "Well if your giving everybody a invite don't you think I should get one I'll make your party rock."

I reached into my purse feeling around acting  like I didn't gave another one in there. "Here's the thing I don't have any more."

     Everybody either gasped or laughed at what I said. Okay it was beyond mean to lie but she's a bitch in needs to be put in her place.

"I'll need a invite or you won't have anybody there at a snap of my fingers."

I looked at her and she grinned her evil grin and laughed. That's when Detreick had made a comment "Here's the thing Sammy this party actually might be cool so I am going."


Everyone started laughing and agreeing at what she said and she just sat there looking stunned. Then she turned to her two bitchions, get it bitch and minions. Oh God that is funny. Anyway she looked at them expecting them to hand there invites back to me and they pulled back like it was three Mulino.

My plan was set into motion  now and everyone had nothing to say about it. At the end of the day when I was heading to my car all I heard is Lilly Orchid this, Lilly did that, Lilly Orchid is a come up.

Authors Note: hey guys and gals sorry it took so long to update it's has been so long but I was trying to put it up but watt pad kept deleting it. Anyway did you like the chapter? I want to ask you guys some questions.
What would you like to happen in this book?
Do you want the romance  to come fast or slow?
Should there be some action in this book or I mean fighting? (Does that sound cliche?)
Comment and please answer and give feedback. It would mean so much to hear from you. One more thing I was thinking I would change Lilly  Orchid  to Dove Cameron. What do you guys think about that?

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