~Girls & Boys Night+2

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Chapter 6
~Girls &Boys Night+2

Les and I was just getting into the door. We had about fourty bags worth of Delicious Foods in our hand. The boys said they would be on their with movies. Apparently my movies were to girly for the boys to watch. Les went to go get to get cups, plates and bowls to set up the snacks in movie room. I opened the doors to the room and it look exactly how it did that last time momma Orchid and I was in here. The last time we had a laugh over a movie together. The last movie I watched with her was Cat in the hat. Her favorite movie to watch because she recited all the words. I was close to breaking in to tears when the door bell rang.
(The Movie room...)

I wiped my face and took a quick glance in the mirror

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I wiped my face and took a quick glance in the mirror. Then ran downstairs to the door I stopped and flipped my hair. I took out my lip gloss and put a tad bit on. That's when I took a deep breath and opened the door. Standing before me was not a group of boys but a girl with brown hair,soft brown eyes. In her one of her hands was a suitcase and bags, in the other was two pieces of paper. She looked like she had been crying and tried her hardest to dry her face.

"May I help you?" I say since she is standing at my front door.

"Your Lilly Orchid Right? You have to be it says this is your address.?"

"I am is there something wrong, How do you know my name?"

She looked down and started to lift up the papers in her hand. I look up to see that Tristen and the guys were pulling up in the drive way. She looked back and gasped.

"Hey, how do you now my name?"

She shoved the papers in my hand and I tool a glance at them. Right there on the piece of paper was my name and my address. It had my dad's name and also my mothers. Then there was another name and it says Milly Orchid.

"I'm your sister we have the same mom and dad."

I looked up her it just was not possible I mean mom said that she was pregnant after me but never said she went trough with it. Did my mom lie to me about having another baby? I was only three when dad left, I don't remember mom being pregnant then but then again I was very young. I don't remember everything when I was three.
(Milly Orchid Is Cierra Ramirez.)

Cole and his guys walked up,I pulled Milly inside and the boys walked in

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Cole and his guys walked up,I pulled Milly inside and the boys walked in. Milly stod there by the wall looking at me. Okay so there is a chance that she could be my sister. She looks exactly like mom, I walk to her and grab her hand.

"I believe you, I really do."

She smiled and hugged me now it was an unexpected hug but I'm glad she found me. Now I just had to find out why she went our looking for me. But right now it was time for a night of fun.Tristen and his boys where waiting in the living room waiting on me.

Now I did not think it would be this many boys in the group of friends he had claimed he had. There is eight guys in my house. Tristen stood up and walked over to me. "Orchid this are my boys, Luke,Jake,Trey,Zyro,Tim,Asher, and Ashton."

Les had just came into the living room and tat when Luke also stood up. We'll since everyone was in here I was going to introduce Milly to them.

"Well everyone this is my sister Milly, so be be nice." I had to make sure she felt comfortable in this house that meant everyone needed to be nice. They all said hey and I showed them into the movie room. They all looked amazed expect Les, She had been in here way to many times to not know where it was and how it looked.

"So Tristen ,what movie did you bring?" Les asked before me. She just knew me like that, we are best friends. That's when he held up a movie I moved close to see what it was Annabelle. It was that damn movie with that creepy red head doll.

"No I'm not watching that crazy movie." I said with a serious tone. They all started to laugh at me even Milly. Tristen came over to me and patted my back."Don't worry You will be with me the whole time."

I looked up at him and he gave me one of those sexy grins. I nodded in agreement, before sitting all the way down I grabbed a bowl of hot popcorn. We were halfway trough the movie when I got a text message. Picked up my phone to see who texted, it was an unknown number. I unlocked my phone when it was snatched out of my hands. Cole held my phone and started to look at the screen. He got up, heading for the door. I follow him out into the hallway and he just stops.

"When we're you going to tell me?"

"Tell you what, I'm confused what are you talking about.?"

He showed me the screen to my phone and the text message stated :

"It seems that Pretty Boy and You are having a great time with your friends. Did you tell him what I said at the grocery store. Watch your backs btw You don't belong with Him."

"It didn't mean anything to me at the time, I didn't know who he was and I didn't want to find out."

"Do you not understand Lilly he could have hurt you. He wants reveng, he could have took you away from me." He was now yelling at me very loudly. So much so that everyone came out the movie room to see what was going on.

"It's not that big of a deal Tristen..."

Not fully finish my sentence Les says that she gotten a similar text message. Luke looks at her with disbelief in his eyes. Tristen then starts to shake me very violently.

"He could have killed you Lilly and it would be my fault."

The boys start to try and get a hold of Tristen but he is stronger then all of them. He gets out of the grip they almost had him in and he punched the wall. I was now scared and tears almost took my face. In that moment I knew it was very serious. I didn't mean to upset him. That was the first time I actually heard him say my name. The first time and it was because I made him mad. We'll this night feel like it's never going to end.

A/N :Hey guys sorry it took so long to update. I know this chapter is very bad, very, very bad. Did I surprise you with the coming of Milly Orchid. Or the way Tristen Reacted to the text message. I know it sucked but really I had to use something. Anywhos Tell me what you think in the comments. At the top is a Cover I made on my own. So tell what you think about that and this chapter.

Email~ wsaryca@gmail.com
Facebook~Adoree Necee

That is if you just want to follow me or send me a cover. I love you all by the way thanks for the 462 views it means alot to me.

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