Golden Apple Cafe

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      Golden Apple Cafe
~Chapter 4~

  As I was walking to my car I heard someone calling my name. I turn around to see Leslie walking my way, now that I think about it I haven't seen her all day.

"I'm so sorry I was not there I was helping somebody with something." Leslie said to me now she had gotten me curious she was would never have missed something so important to me.

I say" Well who was the lucky person who stole the attention then?"

        She looked at me then swatted her hand around like a fly was messing with her. So I just assumed it was a boy.

"Some guy had asked about you and I told then, then another guy asked me out on a date."

I knew it had to be about a guy I was so happy for her, She has always wanted a guy to come on to her. "Well who asked you out on a date?"

"Luke Oa'her asked me out can you believe that?"

"Luke Oa'her asked me out can you believe that?"

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(That right there is Luke, Tristen's Best Friend.)

    That's when I knew it had to be something up because Luke was Tristen's Best friend, I find it hard to believe that he would want anything to do with her.  I was not saying she could not have pulled him along but I think its weird that he all of sudden asked her out on date.

"Les I don't think this date with Luke is a good idea..."

"Wow your supposed to be my Best Friend it has not even been a whole day and your already a Bitch."

"I swear I am just trying to look out for you,It just..." 

"Save it if you are going to act like this Then I don't want to help with your moms project ill see you when you know how to treat me right."

She walked away not looking back at me, I did not mean to hurt her. I unlocked my car and got in I put my key in the ignition. I couldn't even start my freaking car with breaking down like a complete loser. Mamma Orchid did not write anything about losing friends. I put my head down on the steering wheel and the tears started to stream down my face, I didn't have anybody left on my side.


             That's when I heard a knock on my window it was probably the keeper of the school telling me to leave. He knocked again " Alright I'm leaving, just let me pull my self together first."  Then he knocked on my window that's when I decided to look up. Standing at my car window was Tristen Micheal Smirking. I rowed down my window and looked at him like the snow was melting making me go to school.

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